If The Mandalorian was an anime



We all just watched they to see anime Baby Yoda, right?



My guess would be rights and licensing. There are a ton of movies and TV shows and it’s an easy IP for cheap live action. Both creators are deceased and there may be issues getting the estates to sign off on it.


One of the overlooked aspects of modern anime is that outside of the rare original work the vast majority of anime is produced as an adaptation of a currently ongoing work in another medium. Generally anime are made for ongoing manga or light-novel series. Occasionally they’re made for video games series. But the basic idea is, anime isn’t usually made just for the sake of an anime, anime is made as a way to introduce new customers to the source material.


You also get live action versions of anime series. Which for the most part, don’t really work well and aren’t hugely popular with foreign audiences.

The Mandalorians return to their animated origins.


I’d say that Shogun Assassin, while a bit inferior to the originals, is a worthwhile variant. It cuts out some back story to focus more purely on the action, has good voice acting (including Sandra Bernhard!), and perhaps even a better score than the originals. Now that I’ve thought about it for a moment, it kinda reminds me of Argento’s European re-cut of Dawn of the Dead.

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