If you write "hahaha" you are "probably old"

Ooh, that’s a good idea: there may be some opportunity to capitalize on the wide open market for ASMR videos of LQTM, among the “hehe” generation… although the Mutley laugh-mix video, above, might have it cornered already, if The Waterwhispers Ilse doesn’t, yet (a quick search of her website comes up empty on “laughing”).

Now that I have invested a well-used pair of minutes on teh interwebs, I know what “LQTM” means, and I 100% agree with these two interpretations of HA vs HE.

What happens if you hear someone say “LOL” out loud? I once worked with someone who did that on occasion.

Depends. If it’s ironic, they get a hug and a Snickers bar. If it’s legit, I walk into the lake and stay there.


Mary Poppins:
Some people laugh through their noses
Sounding something like this “Mmmhmmhmmhmm…”
Some people laugh through their teeth goodness sake
Hissing and fizzing like snakes

Some laugh too fast
Some only blast - HA!
Others, they twitter like birds
Then there’s the kind
What can’t make up their mind

Uncle Albert:
When things strike me as funny
I can’t hide it inside
And squeak - as the squeakelers do
I’ve got to let go with a ho-ho-ho…
And a ha-ha-ha…too!


If you care at all about this you are either really young and need a job, or really old and need to go back to watching Matlock.


This depends upon whether they say “L.O.L” or “lawl”.


Perhaps this is why Laural & Hardy are so timeless; they, “hahaha”, “hohoho” & “heeheehee”.

Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk! http://usercontent2.hubimg.com/2252761_f248.jpg

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I fear all you have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and filled him with a errible resolve.

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I say out loud the word, ‘LOL’ and write the sound you make as if clearing your sinuses in disgust, ‘KNGZXH’.

Amai hep?

Sometimes I type kik. But that is only when my fingers are one key over to the left.

But the advantage we olds* have is the wisdom to know that the trivial bullshit of the youngs will too someday be burned on the lameness pyres of their offspring. Knowing the youngs will be the olds, and sooner than they think, is our blessed respite in our waning years**

*33, now, apparently
**seriously, not that waning…



As you are, I was once; as I am, you shall be.


hur de hur hur hur


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