Ignore feature bug reports

Very recently, I’ve suspected that same pathetic behaviour of at least one user who asked to be anonymised and then returned with a backup account they’d set up when they saw that their “brilliance” was being increasingly Ignored. I can’t prove anything and don’t care to, but since the new account is acting the same as the old one I just put that one on Ignore, too.

As I understand it, if an account exceeds a certain level of Ignores by the community the moderator is alerted to a potential problem user. Perhaps that, combined with a flag alerting the mod to the suspicion, might prompt a quiet warning from the mod to the user in question.

I also find the forced expiration date odd. I would assume the almost no-one uses any option except for four months, on the reasonable assumption that any user obnoxious enough to make one’s list is so iredeemable that one would prefer never to hear from them again.