relevant, and SUCH a great video!
p.s. very sorry about all the mistakes we’ve made in this area. Thank you for your patience.
relevant, and SUCH a great video!
p.s. very sorry about all the mistakes we’ve made in this area. Thank you for your patience.
Ignore seems to be glitching again. The one person I have on ignore is fully showing in threads. Can send screenshots if needs be.
Does it need refreshing? We have just ticked over into a new month.
I always forget
It shouldn’t. I re-ignored the person just a few days ago. For the full four months. Can’t remember if that was in Feb or not.
The forever option was bugged (long story) but it shouldn’t be as of early November 2020, when we fixed a background task that wasn’t sent the memo that Forever was added as a thing a while back.
You’re sure these were users who were definitely ignored for the “Forever” duration?
Ignore working OK for everyone so far? That is, you are not seeing topics and replies from people on your ignore list?
Working for me at the moment.
I have not had any issues with it as of late, no. Will post if something comes up though.
Thanks for asking!
I’m going to close this topic, because (for obvious reasons) publicly calling out people who are ignored/blocked is only going to lead to conflict. Feel free to PM me if there are any further issues with ignore, and I can co-ordinate with the Discourse team that way.