In a video, Tucker Carlson attacks media, plans Twitter-based show revival

It might surprise you (or maybe not, who knows), to learn that a lot of the alt-right crowd (of which my mother was one) have long since been used to getting their alt-right fixations on Roku as Roku apps. I’d wager there would be a Tucker Carlson Show app that’ll they’ll just search for on the Roku screen and just watch it that way.

Mom had like, 30 different rightwing podcasts, christian shows, videocasts, and the like on hers and she was always asking us to explain technology. If she could figure it out, others will too.

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Twitter? Never heard of a rat scurrying towards a sinking ship, but good riddance.


That’s a hell of a lot of mypillow ads


Sitting in a diner hearing two people behind me saying “Don’t trust what you hear, Tucker laid down a gauntlet”. And also, that he was doing Twitter because he had too much honor to go to MSNBC. Took some effort to not point out they already fired his fascist ass.

I am now hearing the TRUTH about 9/11. Though his companion has some skepticism.


Tucker’s contrived example really speaks to the conservative mindset. There are no honest mistakes, bad circumstances, or bad decisions that everyone makes sometimes. There’s only Good People and Bad People. Good People are always good, and Bad People are always bad.

Conservatives believe the world is about separating the Good People from the Bad People, punishing the latter as much as possible, and that’s all that needs to happen to make the world a good place. It’s weaponized privilege blindness.


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