In Russia, debt collectors may sexually assault you or burn your children to get you to pay up

@Miasm’s the only true Scotsman here.

I am disappointed that @noahdjango is the only regular who is on the list. Or was, until @anon75430791 managed it.


Yeah, well, 70% of their exports are oil and gas. Unless they diversify or manage to convince the Middle East to stop pumping so much fuel, they’re screwed.

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There ya go.

Isn’t the only other person I know who says that also an Aberdonian?

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Fit likee!?

(Even though most Scots definitely use colloquial speech naturally, I think there is a certain amount of affectation driving the frequency.)


Nah, me gran was a scot and she done the better part of me raisin.

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I don’t see where she said it was legal? She said debt collectors may, as in might, do horrible things to collect debts. And then she simply links to the article with an exerpt.

I don’t get why some people get so wound up over the headlines here. I think the editors of BB do a great job day in and day out, and I hope the silly criticisms don’t make it too tedious for them to continue doing so.


I might be slightly irregular, but I think I am on there somewhere…

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In Soviet Russia, joke laugh at you!


Surely this one’s more appropriate:

Поздняя стадия капитализма

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FURTHER PROOF that the list is corrupt and degenerate and probably in the pocket of, I dunno, Gawker or something.

People of BoingBoing, rise up! Demand recognition for your hard-won disappointment!


You sound disappointed.


You look tired.

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