In social media rant, Trump declares that he is mentally stable and "like, really smart"


Q: What do they call the worst idiot ever elected to the presidency of the United States?
A: Mr. President.


I’d like to hear a Zapp Brannigan version of that tweet.


Sir, I might be late to the current party, but I respectfully disagree! I desperately need this comments section to be open to praise @beschizza for not only correctly capitalising and italicising the species’ name, and picking this particular parasite to make fun of the sitting (or rather tweeting) president, but also for the opportunity to post this:

ETA: Rob, I am quite sure we’ll never meet, but I owe you at least a beer. Or rather a dram of whisky, heavily peated or port-matured, as by your preference. I nearly spat tea on my display.

Also, h/t to @s2redux. I nearly forgot.


Hey! I liked Bottom!


You can tell how stable I am because I replied to the wrong message and the answer still makes sense.


As opposed to Trump, who can reply to the correct message and make absolutely no sense whatsoever.


You too make a fair point, Luther.

/Sir tim

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Sorry, but it’s not a zero sum game. We can talk about this and the other horrible thing he and his merry band of corrupt jizz baskets are doing as well.


As I see it, a lot of voters felt like voting for Trump was a big “fuck you”. Like they themselves were going to lose no matter what, so they might as well upend the chessboard in a pique.


Undoubtedly. But my perception is that, attention not being a limitless commodity, newer and grander outrages tend to out-compete previous ones in public discourse.

To recycle bits from a previous post with another person echoing these same Concerns:

Thank goodness there are wonderful sites like


To help our feeble one track minds cope with all the batshit insanity going on right now.

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i don’t even know where to start with that one… :slight_smile:

They were manipulated through ignorance.
Step A) Attack Education, Science, Facts, Information
Step B) Divide the country into two extreme camps.
(that’s really all the steps, people will employ massive cognitive dissonance to vote with their “tribe”)

this formula works anywhere there are people, not just the USA. The USA has been working extra hard recently on this so it is just a shining example. Basically half the people aren’t bad. Both halves of the people are being manipulated and polarized by private interests for gain of those private interests. Unless other countries take this as a precautionary tale then Coming to a Democracy Near You™ There are humans willing to undermine pretty much any system for greed alas.

There were some of those as well.


That was awesome!

I would say that there is only one extreme camp in the US, but they were persuaded that the opposing camp was also extreme.

Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton are not extreme in any way unless you are part of the extreme right.




I’d mostly agree and like to think so, because my tribe, but I’d also point out that…

This election was initially setup to be an exact maintenance of the existing power structures and fleecing of the American people…Clinton vs Bush.

We didn’t get Sanders as an option because he didn’t fit with the agenda. He wanted to fix the system. That was never going to be allowed. The Democrats shut that shit down and pushed Hillary, the most polarizing choice possible, the devil in the opposite sides mind. They did their job and got the right person manipulated into place.

The Republicans on the other hand royally fucked up. Jeb couldn’t get the support of his own mother. They didn’t do their job and get the right person manipulated into place, and look where we are now. Someone threw a random clown actor onto the stage of our “democracy” in the middle of a carefully choreographed play of which the plot is corporatism and capitalism taking over freedom and democracy.

Both parties on the surface have very different moral platforms, but both parties mostly vote along the same financial interests because money and power have turned both sides into puppets at the expense of the people. The Democrats just offer better perks to the people along the way, but the bus is headed the same direction, imho. Damn I wish we could have had a Sanders, just imagine how different this last year would have been for the people. Unfortunately we only have our own party to blame for this.

Until we get election reform we are going to continue to be manipulated in the same manner, it is unavoidable under the current system.


I’ve been watching the Oliver Stone documentary “The Untold History of the United States”. It goes into great depth about how FDR’s VP Henry Wallace (who was way more left leaning than Sanders) was completely railroaded by the party for the 1944 election. Wallace was hugely popular and should have been a lock for VP in FDR’s fourth and final term but he had also made a lot of enemies in the conservative wing of the party. Massive corruption and shady dealings got him kicked off the ticket and replaced with Truman.

Sanders is in good company here for being screwed over by the Democratic party.


I’ll check that out, sounds interesting.

It is good to remember that in the story of “The Untold History of the United States” we are still mid-plot and the various parties have become much better at their manipulations.


I’m quite liking it so far. As a narrator, Stone definitely has a Ken Burns style of Ambien delivery, but it’s still quite interesting and well done. It definitely doesn’t shy away from exposing some more uncomfortable truths about recent history.

(ETA: It’s on Netflix.)