Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/07/in-the-hall-of-the-mountain-swing.html
That actually worked surprisingly well.
Pixar is calling on line 2, asking about rights for their upcoming ‘Bond, Merida Bond’ project…
Love it!
When I was a kid my little sister and I would crank up the original (on vinyl), turn out all the lights and basically play “the lava game”, leaping from couches to chairs and anything that wasn’t the floor, picking up speed and manic fervor as the pace of the music increased.
What’s missing here is that crazy building pace that defined the original for me. This is well done but it adheres to its new structure and doesn’t rise to the tumult of a horde of trolls careening through dark caves in relentless pursuit.
But I liked it.
omg… Flashbacks to the U Waterloo Warriors Band (motto: “Loud is good, fast is better, loud and fast is best”) and the bandleader calling out “… and one more time as a waltz!” … and we’d play whatever that was as a waltz… good fun…
That’s a good 'un.
But oh my goodness, memories:
Hint: you need to listen right to the end…
Wombles x Greig FTW
But no accelerando? Which is one of the main things it’s known for?
Would love to see someone revise it (or anything) so that it gradually slows down, to the same degree that the original speeds up…
Pieces that do that are weirdly difficult to find.
(Edit: the apostrophe)
I had a cat who licked his fur in time to the music. When it hit the crescendo, he stopped and stared at me, “WTF?”
It’s been done.
And yes, I only know that because The McElroy Brothers Will Be Are in trollies World Tour
Thanks! This is great! However it’s not what I was talking about (which you can tell if you listen to the start and then skip to the end, to find that the end tempo is basically the same).
What I meant is music that starts in one tempo, and then gradually gets slower and slower, comparable to the opposite tempo change that’s found in (the original) In the Hall of the Mountain King.
These little guys remind me of Spy vs Spy!
Rendering Randy Newman’s LOVE SONG on guitar – after the line, I’ll take the train / into the city / every morning, a bass riff on Grieg’s MOUNTAIN KING nicely implies subway boredom.
Meanwhile, I keep hearing King Crimson’s IN THE COURT OF THE CRIMSON KING in my tortured head and I don’t know if I could take a swing version.