In the Mindy Kaling's new Velma series, the character will be of East Asian descent and there's no Scooby Doo or Mystery Machine

Maybe he can come back as a ghost :ghost:


I can completely picture Velma uncovering antivax hoaxes and the like. Under the mask it was the Koch’s all along, or Elon Musk dressed up as the Bitcoin Boogie man.


Still better than the Great Gazoo.

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Maybe it’s a few years later… Scooby was supposed to be a Great Dane, and their life expectancy is pretty short (often only 8-10 years)[and yeah, I know you knew someone with a 14 year old GD, but the breed average is relatively short].


If you change 90% of a recipe, you’re not really cooking that recipe any more, are you? This seems like coat-tailing. Projects like that rarely succeed.

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No Scooby or Shaggy? So it’ll just be fan favorites, Velma, Scrappy Doo and Red Herring?

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I only watched the original cartoon for Shaggy and Scooby’s escapades and food hijinx. All the other characters were boring.

Still, I’d watch this out of curiosity. I don’t have a problem with people reinventing old stories and charcters; I just hope that they make them interesting.

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Based on the description it is not actually going to be Scooby Doo, or anything even close to it, but it might be ok as its own thing.
Mindy Kaling was great fun in the Office when she got the chance.

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The version of this bit that actually made me laugh is this one from Mystery Incorporated! where we get to see what happens when the bad guy has had enough of this nonsense. (I put a timestamp in the link because I couldn’t find a shorter video, should start right at the relevant bit)


Doesn’t everyone?


Man, Sir Terry had proper, hairy, writing arms.

That could be a great way of more cheaply integrating Scooby-doo in to a live action series. Who better to chase ghosts, than a ghostly dog?



Mr. Scooby is not involved because Mr. Scooby doesn’t do.

Which is, in its disquieting way, just better.

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You had me at Mindy Kaling and Velma.

Massive crush on the former growing up, and on the latter as an adult.


Wait, what? Did you get that backwards? How did you get lucky enough to know Mindy K as a child???


Everyone with any taste…


Wow that’s a huge goof. Yeah definitely got that backwards.

I was unaware of Mindy Kaling until she appeared on sitcoms, primarily her own.

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Maybe Shaggy carries around Scooby’s collar or just his dog tag and he’s the only one who can see Scooby’s ghost? Everybody else thinks that he’s hallucinating or is suffering the after-effects of too many “sandwiches” in his youth, but Scooby’s collar was exposed to enough weird stuff that it actually does serve as an anchor for his spirit in this world.

This could lead to a situation where Velma or another member of the group is touching the collar when Scooby manifests and they can see him instead of Shaggy. [They get wounded and the only thing that can secure a bandage over the wound is the collar?]