Absolutely tasteless. I recommend Chris Morris’s Jam for more palatable sketch comedy fare
Maybe anticipating the end and thinking unable to react quickly enough?
Eh. I could see the potential for humor in that, but I didn’t really notice any, other than the premise itself.
Truly a great performance. Every time I watch it, I can only stare agape at the white-hot blast of I don’t know what.
Certainly the SNL audience of today would be even less prepared.
Holy crap, I did not expect this going in. Sally Bermanzohn, one of the worker organizers and author of the authoritative book on the subject has been like a grandmother to our children (Grandma Honey Bee). That was much more chilling than I expected.
Thanks for the reference. I will check it out.
Interesting that Digby wrote about another aspect that probably played into the sketch writers way of thinking: New York in 1980 had a sort of backlash against liberals at the time, with Death Wish and Taxi Driver becoming favourite fantasies for a bunch of suburban and outer borough New Yorkers. That this is the worldview President Biff is still stuck in.
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