In wake of terror attack in France, Newt Gingrich wants first amendment repealed in America

The D&D one was the first Chick Tract I ever saw as a kid. I remember me and my brother furrowing our brows and going “really? Are they serious? Wow, this is fucked up.” This led to several years collecting them (I think I still have about 30 of them in a box somewhere.) Too bad they’re not worth as much as my Raymond Pettibone zines.


Yeah, they still print them and people hand them out, so they aren’t very valuable.

The Raymond Pettibone zines, in contrast, are probably harder to come by. Hopefully, they are copies in some of the zine archives popping up around the country.

Well hell, I’d like to see Newt Gingrich repealed in America, but I doubt I’m going to get my way either. Go back to doing … whatever it is you do, Newt. You’re giving amphibians a bad name again.


These are Christians?

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it’s the resurrection of Newt! It lives again as an unholy snatcher of your life-essence!

But, to get serious for just a tiny second: the Quran is against charging interest and that is seen as anti-capatalist by some very powerful people. Therefor, the armies representing the worst aspect of extreme unregulated and exploitative capitalism must re-align world governments to make those countries safe for economic exploitation.

$1.814 trillion of assets are being managed in a sharia compliant manner as of 2014, which the report said had the potential to rise to $3.247 trillion by 2020

quite a lot of cash for anticapitalists : )

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good! and thanks for that post (but I wouldn’t call them anti-capitalists just b/c they manage without charging interest)

I suppose that’s fair- I mean, I feel the same way about Christians.

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Classic Newty!

Provocatively disturbing. Nutty as a squirrel. And clumsily aimed at the worst instincts of the Fox News bunch.

Trouble is…sooner or later, enough nitwits may take him seriously. Current events seem to favor that more with each passing day.


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No, if the person is white and Christian, then he is not a terrorist; rather, he is disturbed or mentally ill (and does not represent Christianity.)


What an idiot … Sorry guys, had to get that out of my system.

Heck, we don’t even know whether that Nice attacker was actually an islamist radical yet (so far the indications are pointing more towards a mentally unstable guy with a penchant for violence and nervous breakdowns, not a religious nut) and there are already idiots calling for even more discrimination and marginalization of Muslims. As if that has helped before - only the radicals benefited from a new influx of recruits disillusioned with the society.

It was exactly this marginalization and often open discrimination and racism over the past decades that has got France where it is today - cities with poor ghettos full of children of former North African immigrants which are breeding grounds for extremism today. If your only perspective as a youngster is that you have a little chance for a good job, little chance for education and the only thing that is sure is that you are going to end up involved in crime and then in jail, no wonder … And jails are a major source of radicals - many petty criminals left the jails as religious radicals here, after meeting extremist preachers there. Several of the Bataclan attackers were like that, same for the Belgian attackers or that Coulibaly guy from the Jewish store attack last year.

Why do we keep to make this stupid mistake conflating islam and radical islamism? Only because those people look different so it is OK to hate them all in general for their religion or skin color, regardless of their actual views? Nobody did that with Christianity, despite people like KKK, Hitler, Breivik, Lanza and many others murdering scores of people and either being Christians or even using the teachings for their twisted goals.

WTF is wrong with these people, really …


There are a number of Republicans (and a few Democrats, for that matter) who I’m sure would find a nice lovely reception in the Netherlands. I know I’d be happy to send them there to visit some famous historical places.


That’s a good reminder that freedom of speech, great as it may be, should be used responsibly. Not that Gingrich would ever accept any responsibility for his own words.


i disagree. these are inalienable HUMAN RIGHTS, and I’ll fight for anyone to have them, even if they use those rights to say things i find distasteful.

I know you are quoting so this isn’t directed at you, rather the quote… :slight_smile:
I’d argue that there is a difference between believe in and ascribe to.
I believe in white supremacists, they aren’t mythical, but I don’t ascribe to their way of thinking.
Also, I’d argue that freedom of beliefs is SUPPOSED to be what our country was founded on.

:+1: exactly. i think this every time the usa goes on about iran’s possible nuke program…who the fuck are we to talk? can we really take the moral high ground in areas we are the WORST OFFENDERS?


The irony about Americans making a big deal about “Sharia law” (and the people who they imagine believe in/adhere to it) is that a) they don’t actually understand what it is, and b) they’re really just projecting as they themselves are advocating for a more extreme religious governance in the US.


"deport all those who believe in ‘Sharia’"
Deport them where exactly if they are Americans?




I’m filing that away for later, thanx…

No, no, no… it’s to protect those people.