In wake of Trump slump, fans nurse conspiracy theories

If you can’t trust George Washington, who can you trust?

In the wake of Gore slump, fans nurse conspiracy theories

Am I doing this right?

hampshire u.k:smiling_imp:

Yep, Trump’s toast.

After all, we all remember the big boost Santorum got when he won in Iowa in 2012.

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Same place as Old Jersey and Old York. (But not Old Mexico.)

It’s just the equivalence trolling that comes from the right every time their heroes look ridiculous / corrupt / dishonest / etc

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Old Jersey is technically somewhere else, as anyone who has wanted to avoid paying UK tax would tell you.

Hardcore xtians always seemed a little wooden to me, anyway, so that makes sense :smile_cat:

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There is, but it would take too long to post.

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You mean Al Gore, the candidate who handily won his party’s nomination in 2000 and who even the GOP acknowledges received a larger share of the popular vote in the general election than his opponent George W. Bush?

In an election that was ultimately decided by who won the most electoral votes in the State of Florida, where George’s brother was Governor?

A state where the margin for victory was only 537 votes out of 6 million cast?

Where tens of thousands of votes were improperly invalidated?

Where a poorly designed ballot likely caused many voters to accidentally vote for the wrong candidate?

Where the official in charge of elections was sued for massive voter disenfranchisement by the NAACP?

Yeah. Totally the same thing.


I think we are talking about the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact.

But with a margin that small, shouldn’t they have flipped a coin to see who won the state?

Why not just give all the candidates in the general election a share of time in the White House proportional to their results in the popular vote? I’m sick of FPTP.

Wanda Sykes suggested we have the executive be like jury duty. [mime opening a letter] “Oh shit, I’m secretary of state this month.”


There’s a crisis in the Seychelles! I must go there immediately!

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Or they have to share the job! I’m imagining a wacky early-2000s sitcom where Bush and Gore both live in the White House in classic odd-couple fashion.


Wait, so there were a dozen coin tosses and Hillary won ten of them? That’s even more unlikely.

Dubbya would never figure out the wifi password (it would be “nuclear”), but Gore would get stuck doing the dishes and cleaning the bathrooms.


but I typed nucular!


The “dozen” is a mix of confirmed coin tosses and anecdotal remembrances. Only the precincts that were using the Microsoft system had a facility for recording when a coin toss was used. The rest, using just pen and paper, only recorded the actual number of delegates, which is all they are required to do. In fact, of the 6 tosses recorded on the MS system, Sanders won 5 of them, and Clinton won 1. A 7th toss was required to determine a tie between Sanders and O’Malley. Sanders won that one too. info

Oh, and your math skills are questionable. It’s easier to get 10 out of 12 coin tosses, than it is to get 6 out of 6. About 1/62 vs 1/64.

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It’s Iowa… I would think that they would have something like this set up: