Incarcerated fraudster Martin Shkreli says he can cure coronavirus if he's released from prison

The weird thing is why he thought this would work. He’s never overseen the development of a drug. Literally his only involvement in the pharmaceutical business was hiking the price of a drug until people who needed it but couldn’t get it died. It’s like a serial killer offering his “expertise” as a surgeon…

If we sell tickets, we’ll definitely get enough money to develop a cure.


“Face for the Cure” 2020 registration now open!


Well, to have statistical significance it would have be repeated many, many* times.

*insert your choice of “many,many,many” etc


But think of all the shareholder value high pricing would create!


Why didn’t Michael Vick think of that? Ah, right. Football asshole, not pharmaceutical executive asshole. I get a lot of those high paying professions confused.

“Hey, Shkreli! Go long! Longer! Lonnnnger! Keep going! Almost there…”

Thanks for publicising this, I was worried that monsters with less than nothing to contribute to society didn’t have enough of a platform

Hear me out!

Yes, but he waives all medical patents derived from anything he touches for the rest of his life, and those patents are released immediately into the public domain.

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Any business relationship, trusteeship, silent partnership is liable. EVERYTHING.

If he wants to make money, he’ll have to do it in some other industry.

Good luck, buddy! Thanks for playing! :smiley:

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Can’t hurt !

I think this is fair, as long as he agrees to be immediately executed if he doesn’t deliver by the end of those three months. He’s such an expert genius, what has he got to lose, right?


Maybe we should let Harvey Weinstein out to comfort his victims or Bernie Madoff to assist with the financial recovery.


Funny how he can solve this disease, but never got around to developing any miraculous treatments while he was free. I guess his time spent shorting stocks and patent trolling must have gotten in the way of his humanitarian efforts.


[quote=“Shuck, post:21, topic:167933, full:true”]
The weird thing is why he thought this would work. He’s never overseen the development of a drug. Literally his only involvement in the pharmaceutical business was hiking the price of a drug until people who needed it but couldn’t get it died. It’s like a serial killer offering his expertise as a surgeon…

You may have heard about this new series, Prodigal Son:

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How and why did this techbro’s words escape his prison walls? He’s in prison partly so that nobody has to listen to him or think about him or hear about him or read about him until at least the end of his sentence. He deserves no publicity, no renown, no notice, and no release.


It’s worth a try.

One thing for certain: you can’t cure the scamster. F*ck that guy.

Also applicable:


I say give him a shot. If it works, he goes free, and gets his Wu Tang album back. If it doesn’t, he gets the boats.

Give him a laptop and a cell phone and tell him to keep his anti-social distance. He can work from home.

“I am asking for a brief furlough (3 months) to assist in research work on COVID-19,” he writes, adding that this temporary freedom won’t be a treat. “Being released to the post-COVID world is no solace to even the incarcerated.”

This loony gambit of his reads like a invitation for a full pardon (following the three months… or even much sooner!) regardless of any contribution he could possibly make. I smell an inside game being played here by a friend or friends of Shkreli with influence on the Hill.