Increasingly scared Trump says it's "unconstitutional" for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party's nominee

^^^^^ This. Everything you posted from Politico.

My instinct tells me that election troublemakers will fold like a cheap tent in a light breeze come election day.

Granted, I’m still leaving nothing to chance and will vote like my life depends on it (because it does).


“… except the one that shot me in the head” :face_with_head_bandage:


I Hope So GIF by Desus & Mero


I googled Mechagodzilla for president and was rewarded with the above!


I have to be hopeful or else I don’t sleep properly.

That isn’t hyperbole; even as a cis-het white man I am well aware of Project 2025, the destruction it leads to, and the threat it means to - everyone not me - and it scares the fuck out of me. I cannot possibly imagine what it means to other users here and I won’t even try.

I’ve hated and despised the Tangerine Palpatine since the '80s and I hate that he always seemed to get away with it.

If we, as a unified force, vote in such force as to make a troublemaker’s complaint moot, then we’ve won.

Like I saw in another article: 1% [voter margin] can be explained by shenanigans; 10% [voter margin] cannot.

Queue up Churchill’s “fight them on the beaches” speech here.

eta: voter margin clarification and Churchill’s speech added as a link.


Barack Obama Yes GIF by Obama

The tide seems to be turning and you’re not alone… so hopefully, that also gives you some hope and you can rest well…




I don’t know about everyone but I can’t recall T****'s years because it absolutely gives me PTSD every times. There is one thought I recall when unintelligent sound was produced from that pipehole, “when this will end?”


Anything pre-covid seems like a century ago. That said, yeah, I have very vivid memories of what the asshole wrought.


I get it. A few weeks ago I was watching a COVID retrospective and it was like falling into an alternate dimension.

I had largely forgotten just how fucking awful things were with Trump and other R leaders more concerned about profits, the economy, and stock market than anybody’s health or well being.

I had forgotten how Trump soberly admitted to Bob Woodward just how bad COVID was shaping up to be in February of 2020 (and I’ll never forgive Woodward for waiting until September 2020 to reveal this).

I had forgotten how barely a month into things in the US how Florida was doing spring break, Sturgis was happening, and other large scale events were happening.

I had forgotten just how much of a hack Deborah Birx was and how she kowtowed to Trump rather than pushing back like Fauci did.

I remembered of course the whole bleach press conference — I watched it live. But re-watching it versus remembering it hit much differently.

I never want to live through times like that again. Watching just about any Trump footage from the time he was in power immediately raises my cortisol levels.

How anybody that isn’t a billionaire or despot can be “nostalgic” for those times is beyond my comprehension.


Here’s what the internet calls an “unpopular opinion”. In 2016 two dreadful things happened in the western world – Trump was elected president and the UK voted by a narrow margin to reconsider its member ship of the EU (This was parlayed by right-wing fanatics into a slash and burn campaign). These twin factors affected the world far wider than the countries they happened in, and not in a good way.

Compared to the next few years, the enforced peace of Covid lockdown, and the disruption of the previously standard working arrangements which led to the dual mistakes, left people with a sense of having been taken out of a dreadful era. Then we emerged from it, which seemed joyful in a different way.

I wish I were more eloquent.


There was a brief period of calm when “doing your part” meant the huge sacrifice of simply staying home (if you could), staying home if you’re sick, not standing so close to people, not congregating in large gatherings, and covering your nose and mouth. I know, huge sacrifices, right?

Then George Floyd got murdered.

There were also many people especially in R states and counties who just went about their lives anyway not giving two fucks about anybody else.


Ooo! I like that one. I’ll trade ya “D!ck l’Orange” for it.

Seriously, tho, I’m with ya there.

But I find myself pretty optimistic. More so than I was is '92, when I really didn’t think Clinton had a chance.


I remember (heh) growing up and occasionally meeting some elderly folks fondly remembering the “good” Hitler years. For most, roughly 1935 to 1939, give or take a year or two.


Yes. Give it another try because I think you might be on to something I might agree on, but possibly also coming to a conclusion I might not.


I think what I am trying to say is that 2016 plunged the USA and UK into these weird national psychodramas with utterly incompetent and corrupt leaders (to be fair to Theresa May, she wasn’t corrupt, just incompetent.)

Anyway, we slogged through years of this and got to Covid. Which, though horrid and destructive, did have some compensations. At the beginning people pulled together. (The political weaponization of social distancing and mask and vaccine denial came later.)

It was great to work entirely from home, because the company rolled out technology and we all got on with it. Except the workers whose jobs prevented it. Delivery drivers, nurses, meat packers and shelf stackers. Don’t forget them.

You could walk around the streets without being run over or choked by fumes.

We gradually came out the other side and Covid had been a kind of reset for a lot of people. The world stabilised again. Trump got dumped, so did Boris Johnson. People could go on holiday. The Tokyo Olympics were a success. Things seems to be on the up. Then it all went to shit again, the invasion of Ukraine, Liz Truss, inflation, the Queen died, and so on.

Well I mean, there’s something about human memory which blanks out the bad stuff so you remember the good things better. So I can see why people have different eras they are nostalgic about.


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