Increasingly scared Trump says it's "unconstitutional" for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party's nominee

Originally published at: Trump: "unconstitutional" for Kamala Harris to run for president


His sclerotic brain can’t process new situations. It’s why he keeps beating the same drums he was pounding years if not decades ago. This isn’t necessarily age-related, either; though it may have exacerbated things, he’s always shown himself to be a lazy thinker.

True, but that was a given no matter who is opponent was. The GOP (now including the cowardly Haley) always stands equally ready to enable with material support the narcissist’s belief that he can’t lose.


“Trumpclaimed” is a lovely, presumably accidental portmanteau for all of the random “many people are saying” lies that we see every day.

Recently, a dangerous billionaire trumpclaimed that actually, nuclear bombs aren’t even really all that bad.


He didn’t even accept the results of the election he won. Remember how Hillary Clinton supposedly drummed up millions of illegitimate votes in California (a state she was universally expected to win anyway) just to deny Trump the popular vote?


I wonder if future historians will have trouble tracing the etymology of “trumpeted”, for this very reason.


I like it. It goes along with trumpsplainers and trumpsplaining, e.g “the Fox News pundit trumpsplained that when Trump said ‘bloodshed’ he was referring to the economic downturn resulting from a Biden victory”.


“It’s not fair that her coup worked and mine didn’t.”


This is my biggest worry right now - that regardless of the outcome of actual votes, the GOP machinery in key states will just refuse to certify any results they don’t like. It’s going to get very, very ugly - I think 2020/21 just just a taste of what’s to come.


The future for linguists is rich with the possibilities for their own trumpclaiming!

Your verb that means loudly proclaiming…

A card that is typically less useful but rises above its value to become overpowered…

A verb that means pulling rank or beating something else (I’ll add undeservedly here)…

A particularly disgusting shade of orange associated with coal mine drainage runoff when it meets an open-air sewer…oh wait, I’ve not yet fully made that a part of the language but I’m working on it.


Since the Orange Idiot will never provide any evidence or proof of what he’s claiming, I’ve long since filed almost all that falls out of his mouth as what sits in his diapers, and treat it as such.

There are processes in place to work around that, but it will result in a legal quagmire for probably a year or two, at which point I’d expect that the citizens of those states will finally get tired of these people wasting taxpayer resources on bullshit allegations and vote the offending people out.

(I am still gobsmacked that Krazy Lake is running for Senate and somehow managed to still get the primary, but this is Arizona…)

… and smells about the same. I finished that for you. :smiley:


It’s fine to worry, as long as we’re prepared to convert it into a readiness and willingness to fight back against them. The result of that could very well be stronger liberal-democratic institutions.

Speaking of which, the corporate media is one of the critical failure points we have to keep an eye on when the MAGAts start their efforts to deny the legitimacy of the election. We have to hold their feet to the fire in advance.


It sure looks like Trump and a fair number of his team internalized the idea that Biden couldn’t/wouldn’t step aside and if he did there would be MASS CHAOS inside the Democratic Party that would hand him a sure victory, and he simply can’t wrap his head around the actual state of affairs.

So many extremely smart pundits and online prognosticators assured them of this received wisdom, there just didn’t seem to be any Plan B even contemplated, much less ready to go. You love to see it.


Almost time for a doughty crew of traveling players to run about rending their clothing and declaring the election to have been “Stolen! Rigged! A.I.'d!” then have a junior member of the troupe inquire “What are you-all on about? The election isn’t for over two months!?” “Rehearse! Rehearse! and Rehearse! or expect no encore”


It will not. Remember, the GOP tried to block certification of election results in 2020, and the same SCOTUS we have now, except for KBJ, declared those challenges to be moot. If some states refuse to even certify election results, they likely will be violating their own state constitutions or state law. Worst case scenario is if a winner hasn’t been decided by Jan 6, the new House will vote and decide the winner. After that, any legal challenges will be moot. This is why it’s still critical that we all vote, and especially vote for Democrats down ballot. Flipping the House would really remove any practical way for Trump to steal this legally.


I really, truly hate to agree with this.
But I agree with this. Buckle up, they will not go down quietly.


heh… “steal this legally” [wink]


Luckily, we’ve spent the last 9 years building up an immunity to RWNJ whining.




The Republicans have little hope of getting anywhere with their legal challenges. It’s the illegal challenges that worry me.


‘We can do it the nice way, or we can do it the hard way,’" Trumpclaimed.

Donny sounds like a two-bit goon. :thinking: