Increasingly scared Trump says it's "unconstitutional" for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party's nominee

At his single campaign event last week, he was asking people what nickname they liked him to call Joe Biden. He’s operating on impulse power.

He literally hung up the electoral map showing of the states he won in the White House. He’s never done anything of note and used our country as the refrigerator to hang his crayon drawing.

He cannot fathom someone willingly giving up power. He never really had actual power in his whole life, except as a bully. He conned and had himself helped into power and responsibility and just loved the power part (and did none of the responsibility).


I noticed that. He was literally A/B testing which schoolyard taunt against someone who’s no longer running against him to see what gets his precious “yuge ratings.” It boggles my mind that anyone could present him as a serious person as a businessman, let alone a candidate for the White House.


I saw an opinion on this concern recently. It pointed out that the fix for this is getting out the vote and voting blue all the way down. All the challenges depend on things being close. Get out the vote, make it not close. Solve both the problem of winning and any concern that a challenge of a few hundred votes would change the outcome.

Getting out the vote is also more likely to deliver a house and senate majority.

Same assignment as always. Get more people to vote.


I don’t know that I agree with that though. All it takes is accusations of “irregularities” and Trump-faithful boards can just refuse to certify and say there were problems with how the voting was conducted (true or not).


The people that helped him last time have suffered actual consequences, even though he hasn’t, so I imagine the help this time around will be from even less competent people. That’s what helps me sleep at night anyway.


They’re going to say that no matter what. They’re already saying that and voting hasn’t even started yet.

The point is they would need to say, and show, that those irregularities are so systemic that they swing not just tens or even hundreds of votes but tens of thousands of votes.

In a close election, the election board that is responsible for running the election can point at a few problems and say resolving them could swing the election either way.

In a landside, the election board that is responsible for running the election has to point out how they are so incompetent they were unable to even run an election at all.

If I run an election and claim a result within 1% is wrong, that could be a few bad actors. If I claim the result is off by 10%, I conducted the election incorrectly.


I have to wonder if the “unconstitutional” phrasing could relate to the US Constitution’s use of he/him pronouns. :thinking:


If the dwindling pool of shady lawyers is an indication, I would say you may be on trend. But we should still prepare for the possibility of an even less disciplined mob to show up at the Capitol on Jan. 6 next year. As in - have the National Guard deployed ahead of Congress convening for the joint session.

And vote, don’t forget to vote, and remind everyone you know to vote!


There are some pretty strong, visible consequences to that now. The local board members who tried shit like that in 2020 are either already in jail or being prosecuted right now. It’s awfully damn risky to try it in 2024.


I sincerely hope you’re right, but I don’t think they’re getting the message - just look at what’s going on in Georgia.


I mentioned earlier that if these boards refuse to certify their elections absent any actual evidence, they will likely be violating their own states’ constitutions. That’s certainly the case in Georgia. In fact, many believe that the rule the Georgia election board just enacted violates the state constitution already.

Regardless, the solution to this, as I said earlier, and as @mmascari told you above, is to vote and vote blue up and down every ballot in the country. This will accomplish two things. First, if the Democrats gain control of the House, and maintain control of the Senate, it will make it almost impossible for Trump to pull some nonsense involving the House declaring him the winner, if too many states’ results haven’t been certified. Second, a big enough win will make it all irrelevant. If Harris wins by enough of a margin that the electoral votes from Georgia and Arizona don’t matter, then it doesn’t matter if those states’ boards refuse to certify.

I will never understand why so many people want to shit on the strategy of voting. It is the greatest power that still remains in our hands, and we consistently blow it off with excuses why our votes won’t matter. If it’s not “I live in a deeply red state, so what difference does it make” it’s “the GOP is going to rig everything anyway so why bother?”

And while I assume your intent here is not to dissuade people from voting, that’s how these arguments always come across to some people. We need to cut this shit out. Vote. Make sure your friends and family are registered and that they vote, and that they understand why.

In 2020, Texas had the lowest voter turnout rate in the country. Over 5 million registered voters didn’t vote in that election. Another almost 5 million people eligible to vote didn’t even register. That’s about 10 million votes left on the table. Trump won Texas in 2020 by fewer than a million votes. Your vote matters. Your vote still matters. But if too many people continue to not believe that, that belief will become a self fulfilling prophecy.


Meme Reaction GIF by Robert E Blackmon

Vote, get involved, get others to vote, protect the vote, and evict nazis from every damned hideyhole they have found.


At no point did I say I didn’t intend to vote, or that anyone should not. I am pointing out that the lesson that a lot of Trump supporters took away from 2020 is that the idea was correct, they were just not organized enough to make it stick - they will fight much, much harder this time.

Which means we will have to fight much, much harder too.


Stick to this message, because what you were saying before came across much more like, “Why bother?” I did say I didn’t think that’s what you intended.


My nesting partner pointed this out: Trump is actually acknowledging President Biden as president?!? That’s amazing!


Kamala Harris unconstitutional? I’d say the Republican party is unconscionable. The party of Trump that enabled Trump? Can that be challenged? How is it, all of it, still a thing?



That was the other thing I saw and completely forgot. Since the new house, not the current one, certifies the electoral college vote.

As they say, if it wasn’t so important, they wouldn’t work so hard to prevent people from voting.

The vast majority of this is to dissuade and make it harder for people to vote. Not after the fact actions not to use the results. Suppressing the vote with extra friction making it harder to vote and messaging that voting doesn’t matter is much more effective than trying to steal if after the votes are cast.

Fortunately, getting more people to vote solves this one too. Just helping get more people to vote is like magic, it solves so many different problems.


GIF by Giphy QA


Is that the entire membership of the caucus in that photo?


I believe in most cases they’d be breaking the law. Wasn’t there a couple of the officials that refused to certify in 2020, and Trump even invited them to the White House to talk, but in the end they either folded, or were bypassed.

Still, the record isn’t good for holding them to account with consequences.