Increasingly scared Trump says it's "unconstitutional" for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party's nominee

It’s bigger than that. And the Freedom Caucus would just be the out front nut jobs in the party. It’s rotten all the way down. The best you could say about some members of the party is that they know better, but, you know, grifting and fealty to Trump. It isn’t an appreciable difference for myself.


In the US, when you’re a Republican, anything you don’t like is “Unconstitutional.”
Gun regulation - unconstitutional!
Abortion - unconstitutional!
Broccoli - unconstitutional!


One out of three ain’t bad.


So, IANAL nor a Constitutional scholar, but I always assumed the political parties could choose their candidates however they wanted, and that the primary process was mostly a way of seeing who they thought had the best chance of winning the general election. As in, they could do no primaries at all, but they don’t go that route because it would alienate/disengage their base, not because it’s “illegal” in any meaningful way. After all, how would this apply to third party candidates? I never got a chance to vote against Jill Stein. Was she “illegal”? Genuinely happy to be corrected on this matter.


When the election is thrown to the House, it’s not decided by simple majority – it’s decided by a majority of the state delegations; and it is very likely that the Republican Party will control 26 or more state delegations.

So you need the vote margin to be high enough to scare off the ratf#%ers.


They do have to have a quorum of 2/3 of the state delegations present, however. Which means Democrats could likely block Republicans from doing that just by not showing up. Which…would probably create a Constitutional crisis. Definitely not the ideal outcome.


Yeah, I agree. My comment was mostly intended as snark. (Maybe I should have added a :wink: to it?)


Didn’t trump speak on the first day of thier convention?

Has he spoken to Biden and Biden shared all of this with him?

And why does it matter to him, him and his maga cult wanted Biden out, Biden is out, they should be happy.

Kamala Harris wants NOTHING TO DO WITH CROOKED JOE BIDEN. They are throwing him out on the Monday Night Stage, known as Death Valley. He now HATES Obama and Crazy Nancy more than he hates me! He is an angry man, as he should be. They stole the Presidency from him — “It was a Coup!”


Political parties and primary elections aren’t even mentioned in the Constitution. They can do whatever they want. The only laws that come into effect are for candidates, based on state laws around eligibility and timing for elections and federal laws on eligibility and timing for reporting results and eligibility for office.

Though, again, that would be a Constitutional crisis caused by Republicans if they were trying to cheat, not Democrats for pushing back. I know that’s not what you intended, but it’s what that wording implies.


n-dimensional chess. He thought he had the perfect beautiful fork attack that he could keep pounding on to make Biden seem weak, because he couldn’t conceive of Biden actually dropping out, short of a literal gun to his head.

Biden coughs, taps his queen. Sheeeeeet! :rofl:


Steve Martin Clasico GIF by Filmin


If TFG is still looking for work after he loses the election maybe he could contract for IMAX.


Why would he do something that small?


How does the old Cold War joke go? The Soviet Union went to the Moon, and painted it red so that the entire world would know that Communism had claimed it. Then the Americans went up, and painted the “Coca-Cola” logo on it.


It’s simple really: somebody explained to him the problems now with removing JD Vance from the ticket and he is projecting that onto the Biden-Harris switch even though they did it before there was a problem.


My comment in reply was a convenient excuse to throw more shade on the Republican party. It’s all good. :smiley:


Narcissistic collapse is happening.

He’ll never get to avenge his defeat at the older, “weaker” Biden’s hands. That will now always be a 1-0 victory for Biden.

And worse now he’s going to lose to not just a black person, not just a woman, not just a mixed-race person which Donny can’t even process…but a candidate who is all three. And younger. And much more liked. And a prosecutor, so definitely tougher than him too.

It all is unraveling the slender thread of emotional stability Trump’s entire psyche has been grasping at since he was 3: if he can just be seen and recognized as the best, by whatever means it takes, maybe then he will be safe and loved.

He will only get worse. He will still run the campaign to the end, as long as he is capable of standing and pushing words out of his mouth. But emotionally he will either withdraw, or he will explode.

The debate on 9/10 is going to be something else. Maybe he will rally for it and put in a baseline performance. I actually don’t expect it.


I don’t think there are enough trumphandlers* in the world to pull that off.

I so want to nick this word, another wonderful euphemism for bullshit.

*Pronounced trumfandlers



I agree, but then he turned in a confident shouty liar perfomance vs. Biden that the whole media fell for. So I wouldn’t count him out, I expect he will do the best he can with his entire psyche as well as his future freedom from jail on the line.

I also expect Harris can handle him, and it does seem like the media will be less compliant this time without the Trump campaign’s whole “but Biden is 3 years older!” line for media-easy attacks.

We’ll see how it goes. In all cases he’s got to be shut out of the White House again, and I’m so glad it seems increasingly likely that he will be. No complacency of course.