Increasingly scared Trump says it's "unconstitutional" for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic Party's nominee



Man, this one line is literally his time in office crystalized. It’s a perfect analogy.
The thing about Trump and his campaign is that for the most part, they know that they can’t run on actual issues so he has to just keep doing his insult routine. For like an hour and a half per rally. JFC, the guy is like an orange Fidel Castro. Who TF could sit and listen to that garbage for 90 minutes??
Now that Project 2025 line items are starting to make their way into the public spotlight, they have to distract people from the fact that they want to give more tax breaks to billionaires and cut SS and medicare.
All the while, their minions run around trying to scare people about trans kids and tampons in bathrooms. FFS…


I’m skeptical that Trump has read the Constitution.

But obviously he isn’t arguing in good faith. So instead of a rational discussion: Trump can go fuck himself.






According to his ghostwriter he hasn’t even read his own autobiography.




:: raises hand ::

“How about ‘D!ck l’Orange’?”

:: looks around ::

“Oh, you mean a nickname for BIDEN!”


this demonstrates the fragility of campaigning against someone instead of for something. as soon as that someone is out of the picture the campaign falls flat.

trump would never put his own ego aside and step down and couldn’t conceive of anyone else doing so, so his campaign strategy was completely ill-equipped to handle a change of candidates.


(From the classic Spirou & Fantasio comic Z comme Zorglub.)


Daily reminder that the Constitution doesn’t say anything about any of these things Trump is complaining about.

He’s know this if he actually bothered to read it (it’s not that long and comes in a large print version), or if his knowledge of it went past, “Article II says I can do whatever”, “the First Amendment says I can say whatever I want and you are required to listen to it”, and, “the Second Amendment says AR-15s are great”.


Happy cake day…

Happy Birthday Eating GIF by Birthday Bot


It doesn’t help that he doesn’t have any real policy positions beyond “Biden is terrible, Harris is worse, everything bad that has happened since I was forced out of office in a rigged election is their fault, because when I was in charge everything was perfect. Gas was free, our economy was better than the rest of the world combined, no racism, no crime, no abortion, no immigration (except for white people from Nordic countries), no poverty, no war, Ukraine didn’t exist, there was peace in the Middle East, everybody had a job, unlimited domestic oil, no fires, perfect climate, no inflation, everybody was happy, Putin, Xi, and Kim were frightened of me, the whole world bowed to us, there were no taxes, and I was the best president ever - even better than Lincoln, Washington, and Jefferson combined into a Mecha President.”

I keep hearing in the news about how there’s a “nostalgia” for the Trump years. Has our collective memory really gotten so short that people can’t remember the absolute horror show of the early COVID times, mass protests, race riots, rising hate crimes, mass shootings, brinkmanship via Twitter posts, and so on? Those Trump years were fucking dark times. Certainly the worst I can ever remember living through politically.


Not Funny Wow GIF by Bounce


There are quite a few people who think it’s unconstitutional for a sitting president who’s just last to attempt to overthrow the constitution in order to remain in the White House.


So we invoke the Constitution when it may work in his favor, but screw it when it may obstruct his DICKtator fantasies? Sounds about right.


That’s the networks’ nostalgia for their ratings boon which was TFG; they miss all the extra revenue his ceaseless chicanery generated for them in 2016.

Remember, one exec even said it publicly:


that’s exactly it and i had not got that. i believe you are absolutely correct, it is those media outlets that gave tRump free press and publicity for the ad inches and clicks it drove to their print and digital sites they totally long for.
that cynical, capitalist bullshit can die in the flaming trainwreck of tRump’s campaign and ultimate failure.
then, the NYT and all the others that hitched their mastheads to his crazy train, can churn out the “in depth” soul-searching, after-the-fact “exposés” decrying “What Went Wrong: Fascism in Review 2024”.

unfuck them all!


Basically, he has problems with numbers: election results; crowd sizes; statistical data; how wealthy he actually was; and the number of friends he claims to have.

Naturally. Covid brain fog… the price of following advice downplaying the effectiveness of masks and vaccines and the severity of Covid-19.



Politico (excerpt) Efforts have been made to ensure the 2024 election will be mostly fair. Congress amended the set of rules used for its counting of Electoral College votes to close off some of the shenanigans with alternative slates of electors that Trump and his allies tried in 2020. The Supreme Court last year in Moore v. Harper rejected an extreme theory that would have empowered legislatures to overcome even their own state constitutions and state courts in constricting voting rights. Election deniers who ran for chief election officer in swing states lost in 2022. People are now hypervigilant about attempts to subvert election results and are on guard against new forms of manipulation. Trump, no longer in government, has fewer tools to try to manipulate results. The 2022 elections, without Trump on the ballot, went off smoothly. (Of course, there is much more that can and should be done in law, politics, media and tech to assure a fair and safe election, as a group of us explained in a recently issued report, “24 for ’24.”)