Incredible video of Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot doing parkour

Mr. Robot, I’ve seen parkour. I know parkour. That wasn’t parkour.


Yeah. I can’t feel excited or amazed by these phenomenal machines because I know that each new gadget is just a weapon to use against the public. I would much prefer if Darpa and Boston Dynamics just stopped making robots. No good will come of it. These are government projects, with government motives. And by that I mean whichever government happens to hold the keys to the project at the time. I love how cool they are but the best thing that those engineers could do for their world is melt them down and vow never to take another government contract.


There are a bunch of other use cases that do not involve killing people, maybe even gasp saving people.
But they are not going to use them for that, are they?


You mean not having any ethics to consider is better than actively ignoring ethics and lying about it?

Interesting. However, considering who gives the orders…

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I kinda want to see one of these which ends with Linda Hamilton kicking open the door and riddling the robot with machine-gun fire.

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Yeah I want to see what happens if you change the box positions between runs. Will the robot adapt to modified terrain?


a rival says they are still using hydraulics which is not top down management

Why are hydraulics bad?

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I’m a scared.

Can their robots look under beds yet?
(Posted from my secret hiding place)

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If there is a Robot Doomsday Clock it just ticked forward another minute.
I remember when robots were safe to leave with your nana.


cause motors can have greater torque

Yes. It was a seriously impressive video, but kind of oversold!

They may. But the government doesn’t drop that kind of cash on technology to “help” people. Any other application is simply to get the public used to the existence of the tech before they bring out the kill bots. That’s what cute little PR videos like this are all about. They tell us “Look at the cool robots and don’t think about how they’re going to be used against you folks!”.

Remember when they told us that drones would just be be used for reconnaissance? How’d that work out?
They had names like “Pioneer”, “hunter”, “pointer”, and “hawk” and they carried sensors and cameras. Now we call them “Predator” and they carry bombs.

It’s as inevitable and sad as it is destructive and pointless.
If everything government creates is turned to such ends I’d rather government not create anything.


The robots will take over the world. it is inevitable.

It’s fucking late! The Skynet created hellscape was meant to be here by now… the future is never what we’re sold in the movies.


is this a pre-programmed fixed obstacle they’ve run at hundreds of times?
or do they rearrange it and it has to traverse a new setup each time.

the latter would be seriously impressive calculations, the former a series of trials and adjustments.

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“Wah wah, why aren’t we all dead by now?” :wink:

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That’s it… skynet figured out that us killing ourselves out via environmental disaster or our own stupidity in electing right wing assholes was a more fitting end for humanity…


That, and it saved all those resources in not having to make actual Terminators!
Goddamn efficiently patient AI.


Well, they’re not going to die in 80 years of cancer or heart disease, so they can afford to be patient!


But they do reconnaissance.

For brown people.

To kill them.