Originally published at: Indiana Senate to end statewide ban on throwing stars | Boing Boing
If you ban shuriken then only criminals will have shuriken. Besides which, it’s not shuriken that kill people, it’s people with shuriken that kill people.
Not the first Ninja Golf that came to my mind.
From the WIBQ article:
“We get people coming in every single day and asking us about it,” said Ryan Gustin, the owner of Flying Squirrel Axe Throwing in Speedway.
Gustin said he is planning to start a throwing star league after Indiana lifts its ban. The activity is offered at axe-throwing businesses in other states.
“I really kind of want to grow the sport and kind of deeply root it here in Indianapolis and grow our leagues and help grow axe-throwing leagues at other venues here in Indiana,” Gustin said.
When you only have throwing axes, every problem looks like it can be solved by chucking things at it which spin vertically. If you also have throwing stars, then you can chuck things that spin horizontally.
… a good guy with shuriken something something …
Dweeby adolescent edgelords are rejoicing
If we’re going to revoke bans that were put in place due to sheer moral panic, then there’s a long list to get through.
Yeah, well, it’s all fun n games until someone loses a finger.
Close… I’m with the uptight citizens brigade myself.
If they allow throwing stars for recreational purposes surely ballistic knives for funsy stuff can’t be far behind? You could play dart type games with them.
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