Instagram reactivates The Nude Blogger's account

There is, but she’s nowhere near that neighborhood. I blame art school.


Regardless of this person (who seems a bit unpleasant), if we’re gonna have censors dictating what we should and shouldn’t see in our social media, could they at least prioritize things like violence and crime-as-fun and drop non-negative nudity and sex way down to the bottom of the ‘bad’ list instead of the other way 'round? Social media is full of violence, obnoxious so-called pranks (that are basically assaults), and ‘hilariously funny’ videos of people getting hurt.

Glamorizing violence while villainizing peaceful nudity seems to have a bad effect on society. I’d take the side of an annoying and shallow nudist on that.


Given that Instagram will still shame any other nudist with suspension, and probably only reactivated her account because of public backlash, and either way are trying to set themselves up as the arbiters of decency, I take her rebuke to their implicit policing of the human body as solidarity with everyone else who’s still beholden to their capriciously enforced policy. Instead of kowtowing to a feckless corporation, she stands by her principles. Pretty classy indeed, though I’m going to forgo adopting your sexist use of the word broad.

I don’t know her work, so maybe she did Photoshop her pictures to unnatural proportions and maybe that’s what you’re criticizing. But otherwise, in what way is one human being displaying their natural body an implicit shaming of anyone else? Do you honestly believe her mere unwillingness not to remain covered is somehow about you or anyone else?

Are you implying that users of a service shouldn’t criticize that service just because they knew they might face discrimination from the outset? Or did she sue them?

Someone else has it worse invalidates the prejudice experienced? Seriously? Where do you draw the line if it’s not at blatant sexism? How disadvantaged does a person have to be before sexist policies against them are no longer acceptable to you?

It means not being ashamed of your body no matter who you are or what you look like. It doesn’t mean only not being ashamed when your body fits into whoever’s arbitrary line about what does and doesn’t offend them.

You’re absolutely right about that. Society needs more body positivity from all shapes and colors. Slut shaming someone who isn’t far from a certain narrow standard of mainstream beauty doesn’t help that cause one iota.

She could be a complete jerk in her public and private life. She could be an actual Nazi/Trump supporter. It doesn’t justify slut shaming her or any other women. Slut shaming isn’t bad because of who it’s directed at. It’s bad because it’s the wrong thing to do.


Well said, I was thinking of it as arbitrary censorship, but that also fits spot on.


Aye. And to be sure, private corporations not providing a public utility (such as ISPs) have and should have a legal right to censor whoever they want. But it doesn’t inoculate them against criticism, even from their customers/clients/users. So criticizing a user for criticizing corporate censorship only holds moral cachet if the person criticizing the corporation actually did something immoral, like post hate speech. Otherwise it’s just victim blaming.

I don’t use Facebook. But that doesn’t mean I’d be in the right to criticize a Facebook user for speaking against the self-serving iniquity of the Facebook terms of service. And I sure as hell wouldn’t tone-police a woman’s rebuke of a corporation over a sexist policy. To be clear, I’m not suggesting anyone can or should be legally barred from victim blaming - and I feel I should be clear about it because for some reason the fallacious assumption these days is that to be opposed to a thing is to want the state to prohibit it - but it’s still wrong.


I don’t think she’s a “slut,” and I don’t think I’m shaming anyone. Criticizing someone? Maybe. I think she’s grandstanding: here she is, bravely being a beautiful person on the internet. But like I said before: I guess I don’t get her message.


Her message is irrelevant. As I said, she could be a horrible despicable person. Your taking it upon yourself to judge her appearance, and her behavior by it, is the problem. That’s it.

Just because systemic cultural prejudices divide people into arbitrary standards of appearance doesn’t make it moral to judge people on those standards.

ETA: And look, I’m not trying to attack you or anyone else here. I’ve unconsciously acted in prejudice plenty of times. We all have; it’s impossible to completely avoid doing. All I want is for people to see that they’re doing so they can learn from it.

Also, my original comment may have been unnecessarily combative. And if so, that was counterproductive to my purpose, so I’m sorry if I came off as chastising you or anyone who’s commentary I criticized.


I’d rather not. I’d pretty much ignore this kind of display aside from a conversation at a popular website I frequent.

This thing she is doing, it strikes me as one of those things, like when you accidentally talk to a LaRouche Was Right lunatic and then you notice the hitler mustache photo of Obama and you can’t put your fingers in your ears fast enough before you’re told what an awful person you are for not opposing obamahitler enough nor correctly by someone with seemingly BAD TO NO BOUNDARIES. Ain’t nobody got time for that!

I agree, you’re not actually insulting anyone by saying any of the fair points you’ve made - but her thing seems to be professional level provocation in front of pedestrian content. I have no problem with her body, no for, no against. I do have an issue with her seeming to move the goalposts around when her criticism of the world is a variation of it has the wrong goals.

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I concede I responded based on the comments here. I don’t know or really care to know much about her (nothing personal against her).

Thank you. I could have been less belligerent in my engagement. I stand by my points, but not the way I made them in my initial aggregate comment. I could have done better.


think what you may about the start of the routine, you stuck the landing.


Basically that you’re not ashamed of how your body looks, whatever it’s imperfections.


Is this one of those cases for using Mastodon?

Which is hard for any women to pull off (men do tend to be under less pressure. Not zero, but in general, significantly less).

Ask even women who society agrees are some of the most attractive going, and they could give you a goddamn list of flaws they see in themselves that need fixing. Because we have been trained that even the most microscopic imperfections are to be hidden and are shameful. So, yes, for even an “attractive person” to be “fuck that, here’s all of me, even the not-good parts” is a step forward in accepting our non-perfections.


Yeah. Only the one person in the world who has it the absolute worst is allowed to complain.


We must condemn the slutty nudity of newborn babies!


Does it feel that way in reality?

Easy there, keyboard warrior. Take a deep breath, read what I wrote again, and this time actually read all the words. You’ll notice there’s a lot more going on in those three statements than you seem to have noticed.

Right on! I couldn’t agree more.


First of all, read my later reply to @Footface and @One_Brown_Mouse.

Secondly, I’ll tolerate your condescending driving trollies once because I was overly aggressive in my initial comment. If you continue with your superciliousness, the conversation will be over.

Finally, you’re two statement.

The implication of that is that you’re blaming the user for using a service with prejudicial ToS. On the off chance that wasn’t your intent, I asked you a question. Whether you answer it is up to you. I will reiterate. Are you criticizing a user for rebuking a company with sexist ToS because the company is open about it’s prejudices?

This part I agree with. Perhaps I should not have quoted it in my initial reply to you. I am not in the habit of always stating everything with which I agree; I simply don’t argue with the parts I agree with.


Probably doesn’t feel to people with weak bargaining positions as if a negotiation took place. But I’ve seen plenty of obvious violations in nudity policy committed by more powerful entities get reported to and ignored by Facebook/IG.