Instant ramen recalled for being too spicy

That’s like saying bread is just wheat :stuck_out_tongue: good paprika is pretty great and can really bring a lot to a dish that a pepper added in it a different way couldn’t.


The 18yo in the house likes that. I tried it once, and while I enjoyed the flavor and was able to finish it, I haven’t found myself wanting to repeat the experience.


S’okay. More for him. :upside_down_face:


I have a Greek friend who said, “any idiot can add too much spice. Call me when they add just the right amount.”


Oh, I agree! It’s crazy useful. I just thought of it as some exotic spice, maybe the bark of some plant I was aware of.

Dried, ground peppers? Awwww….

ETA: it was the same thing when I found out that coriander was just cilantro seeds. It says way more about me than the spice


I must confess that i also thought coriander was something else and when i found out it was just cilantro i felt so betrayed :stuck_out_tongue:


Mm! Yes! I buy Shin ramen by the crate. It’s my favorite. I put half the spice packet in which the vegetables I sauté and put over the top. I’m not eating as much right now because I’m not growing any vegetables this year, but it’s an awesome way to eat a ton of squash, peas, and onions from the garden. I add an egg if I feel like I need more protein.


How bland do you have to be to find noodles spicy? blink

Ah, the spice packet that comes with. :smiley:



Yes! “Betrayed” is a much better word

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Titus Burgess GIF by NETFLIX


Sounds gross and bad, but I absolutely love the design of those three little peppers with jack-o-lantern faces up in the corner. The hideous crying flame-tongued bird with the Little Rascals haircut, not so much.


I don’t generally eat ramen from packages like that but I absolutely love Buldak ramen. For the taste, mind you, not the spiciness. That’s why I want to note that it is only the 2x and 3x spicy varieties that have been recalled. They taste exactly alike, only with more spiciness. And the original flavour is already plenty spicy. I don’t think they should be recalled but I also don’t understand why they exist for anything other than a dare.

Personally, I prefer the carbonara variety these days. The creaminess works really well with the hot chicken flavour.


I mean, we got a plethora of BBQ and authentic Mexican joints and some of them have some pretty spicy sauces. I know friends who order hot wings and start sweating (it doesn’t look fun, but to each their own). I think most people consider the city at a minimum “fairly well seasoned”.


That compilation video is hilarious.

Hot Ones sauces are pretty nice. I can’t keep up with you folks who go all in on the scovilles, but I do appreciate the ability.

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Right? The level of delusion so many celebs have is amazing.

Trevor Noah and Zac Efron have had the highest tolerance to date, (neither needed water or anything else) and they both refrained from talking any smack.

Moderation is the key; note that I said I can go up to that level, not that I always do.

I don’t use hot sauce for every meal; and when I do, it’s definitely not the whole bottle.


Coming from Texas, I was never much impressed with any of the “authentic” Mexican restaurants I found in KC. The BBQ is awesome, but not what I would call spicy. Having said that, we don’t have either good Mexican or BBQ near me in NJ. There’s a Dickey’s a couple blocks away but I refuse to eat there on principle.


The vet’s patient becomes food, seems logical.

We might not be able to handle anything hotter than ketchup, but seeing a non-scandi try to eat liquorice, the food of the gods, is a sight :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s a shame that spicy has come to mean mainly hot spices.

A few weeks ago, I had the lunch special at a North India restaurant, and each bite was a tongue massage of various spices, none of them particularly hot.


That’s fair for many places, but I have found some trucks and places like Taco Naco where they make fresh, flavorful food that isn’t just a slurry of Taco Bell-esque meat. And there is a new import market that opened by me that has a mix of Asian, Eastern European, Middle-East, and Mexican imports, and they have a street corn booth that I didn’t try as I was doing errands and couldn’t eat, but it looked like the stuff I had in Mexico.

Though I am sure that is much, much more common in most of Texas.


I do get annoyed over the similar use of Spice and Spicy. In Spanish it’s easier because spiced can be described as “Especias” and the word “Picante” is used for spicy… and technically the English language has it too as Piquant but who tf is saying that in a casual conversation?


Agreed 100%. The right amount of hot sauce at the right heat =:fire::fire::fire:

I fondly remember a woman speaking to my wife and I in a supermarket in New Orleans. We were looking for a local sauce to bring home, and she said we aught to pick up as big a bottle of Crystal that we could find because “That hot sauce is my water.” :rofl: