Instead of eliminating school shootings, Fox News hosts suggest turning schools into heavily armed obstacle courses

For what it’s worth, absolutely no mention of yesterday’s tragedy on any of the Conservative subreddits this morning. Heads completely in the sand.



Because of course their answer is to direct more people to spend their already tight budgets on further militarization of our society. Not address the actual problem, just shift and grift for their big buck arms manufacturing donors.

Meanwhile, I read my friend Wren’s twitter feed and I cry because I KNOW we can do better than this.


Aside from this being an asinine, gun-wanking idea, we can’t even find enough bus drivers, and yet somehow we’re going to be able to find armed guards for all the schools?
They aren’t even pretending to try to make sense any more.

@cepheus42 - your friend’s thread is really evocative. Thank you for sharing.


The really on-brand Republican response should be to just stop educating kids. I mean, they would be able to claim they were saving tax money, and they could protect kids from those awful liberal concepts like math and American history.


The Second Amendment apparently guarantees the “right to bear arms”; does it guarantee the “right to have bullets”?

I’m a man, and I endorse this statement.


Switzerland and Israel have large gun ownership. The US should be doing whatever they are doing. Except, no, that would be “government overreach”, if not “tyranny.”


One additional point. When I was in high school, I was in a class when a student pickpocketed a teacher as a joke. I think this risk (in school “Broken arrow” problem) definitely applies to the guns on armed teachers in schools. Unless the guns are kept in a gun-safe when in class, the odds of some dumbass sneaking a teacher’s gun out is pretty high over a school year.


Unless the guns are kept in a gun-safe when in class

I am sure the LockPicking Lawyer has a lot to say about gun safes (they are anything but.)


Which, if one accepts this idiotic idea as valid in the first place, defeats the purpose in giving teachers guns.


I hope I come across as sympathizing with their plight and would give anything I could (except guns) to make their jobs easier. Indeed, guns would only make their jobs more difficult.

It’s hardly an assumption to say that if you give a million plus teachers a gun, it increases the statistical likelihood of having a teacher do something bad with the gun. I’m not saying that every teacher who is given a gun is at risk of using it for horrible ends. Nor am I saying that teachers in general are a powder keg waiting to explode, but there are undeniably some teachers for whom possessing a gun would be a bad idea.

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I’d be fine with that.

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I agree.

I’m not really in the mood to discuss statistical probabilities, given that a teacher was among the dead. And given just how much vitriol is being aimed at teachers by the right wing, they are far more likely to be victims of a shooting.


Our nation’s history with police and military spending suggest that there’s always funding to be found when the problem calls for more dudes with guns.


All very true. If you want to reduce shootings, more guns aren’t the solution. I commented on teachers because they are the subject of the Fox News segment, but the same logic applies to any sub set of the population.

one week ago they said teachers are all grooming kids to be sweet transvestites from Transylvania and this week they want to give them all guns.

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A few days ago they were saying teachers can’t be entrusted to choose their own library books.


They don’t want the teachers to have guns; they want the teachers to be guns.

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