Intel pulls ads at site critical of #GamerGate

By the way, if you are liking this post, actually write to intel. They have a contact us form under the heading of “corporate responsibility” that seemed an appropriate place to send your thoughts.


That would be great. Happy to have even confusing snark in the two-steps-forward camp, hey The Mad Poet?

It took me a moment to parse it properly too. But, yes, I read it as exposing the douchcanoes for the entitled shits they are. :wink:


I made a tweet about this last night, and got like 6 drooling gaters respond to me in seconds. My friend said, “Oh, here come the flying monkeys.”

And that’s so true. Right now, the gaters are as rabid and as uninformed as the Tea Party.

And, of course now I wake up to this thread, already some 80 posts, mostly fueled by drive-by sock-puppets repeating the same old drivel.

“Games Journalism” oh yes. We should work harder to have our “Games Journalism” live up to the standard of our “Movie Journalism,” our “Music Journalism,” our “Tech Industry Journalism,” and our “Political Journalism.”


Thx, I wrote them this:

Your recent removal of an ad campaign from Gamasutra, a website for video game enthusiasts was an offensive action on your part.

Distancing yourself from any controversy in response to threats of boycott is a by-gone example of “Corporate Responsibility” that in these days demonstrates instead a tone-deaf failure to be responsible & actually examine any given situation.

In this instance your actions are now & will be widely seen as a capitulation based in ignorance, to a small & small-minded group of vocal children.

The market you intend to avoid offending by avoiding association is large and advanced enough to understand your error as offensive.

I suggest you review your actions, which as it stands now intimate support of a group that has demonstrably resorted to threats of violence, harassment & manipulation in attempts to stop the burgeoning evolution of the video game industry, it’s developers & patrons.


ROFL I think you confused who ‘they’ were :smile:


Mission Accomplished.

(Edit: It will be interesting to see what, if any, response we all get back.)

I’ve been trying to figure out how to get hot-button hashtags into Solanasbot03.

Ideas welcome.


Maybe we should make one of those mass letters with something along these lines?

Hit the nail on the head.

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“You know, I never wanted to make you my bitch, not you, not them, not any of the other players and, most importantly, not any of my fans,”

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For the first time ever, BB commenters have been berated for not being pedantic enough. Not sure if this should earn you a badge or a ::slowclap::. :confused:


The pax video is excellent, and everyone should watch it. Thanks for the link.

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It’s basically been shit since Charlie Brooker got himself a TV career anyway.

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Let’s set up a private discussion area where we can figure out how to best promote this behavior.

Ooh, let met try:

Putting aside what started the Civil War, it was really about state’s rights, not slavery.

Did I do that right?


i’m not well versed on boingboing’s ways, other than the frontpage. Set it up and we will follow. I think i saw cowicide on the pseudoforums? Man, I miss cowicide.

Including South Carolina’s right to have the federal government, with federal marshals, overrule Vermont’s Personal Liberty Laws, in favor of the Fugitive Slave Act.

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while somewhat serious, 'twas also a joke, in reference to the “smoking (squirt) gun” that nosed about - a game journo suggesting they should do something to promoto Zoe Quinn’s game; a tack he 1) did not take and 2) repudiated as a dumb idea.

So, just a little context-snark.

Not a bad idea, though. Create a “Linked Topic” and have at it!

Brief moment of pedantry… OEMs are Intel’s main buyers. PC gamers who build custom systems are a vanishingly small minority. We don’t really count, and if anything we are only useful for subsidizing their high end hardware, and creating marketing buzzes.

On topic… This whole argument makes me feel old. I’ve done some research and I can’t even discern what the hell this is about. Yes, “gamers” is an idiotic badge, there is no such unified entity. You can be a gamer, and I can be one, and we could share no commonality in interests, genre, medium, or anything else. So with that,who the hell cares who wants to self-proclaim, or not? If girls, women, black people, or ten legged frogs from Pluto want to call themselves that, fine.

All product and hobby “journalism” is corrupt, not just games media. Go grab a random photography magazine and bask in the gushing over nothing, or a fishing mag, or a… Any hobby, really.

And yes, marketers make gamers look bad (bro gaming… Ugh), which is one reason I don’t actually believe the term means anything. Hell, one could argue that marketing invented that subculture 100%. Sadly, self-proclaimed gamers make themselves look worse… Destroy that term, and just let there be individuals who like games, please.

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