Intel pulls ads at site critical of #GamerGate

Yeah, it’s almost as if the harassers have some ulterior motive or something! :wink:


I suspect that we may see some sort of official backpedaling from Intel before too long, but in the meantime: are there practical alternatives to Intel in the processor market right now? The last time I looked at Intel alternatives, Cyrix was still a thing…

Currently Intel and AMD own the market. Some bad news - Gaters are already aware of this fact, and may be targeting AMD next if they can find an excuse to do so.

I wonder how long it will take for people to figure out that GamerGate is the activism equivalent of a cat puffing up its fur to look bigger. After the first few weeks blew over, signs now suggest a small handful of dedicated, passionate trollies vigilantly farming hundreds and hundreds of sockpuppets.

It’s like WoW goldfarming for misogyny.


Hey - I’m replying to you because you seem to be someone who gets the sexist implications in all this - can we please refer to Quinn and other grown women by their last names, like we do men? I see people talking about “Anita” and “Zoe” and it burns me up, because presumably most of the people aren’t buddies with these women. I think, consciously or unconsciously, some of the 4chan and GamerGate etc. types do this, consciously or unconsciously, because they think of women as “girls” and as somehow not serious people. But the news media sometimes does it too, and I’d like for the “let’s talk about sexism, seriously” folks to try to do better.

Thanks for trying to set that troll straight, le sigh.


We do that so it doesn’t seem like a stuffy men’s club. Chicks dig that.

And I’m of an age that anytime somebody says “Quinn” I think of either 1) Mighty or 2) Martha

Also, “Anita” is relatively easy to spell and pronounce. Her last name begins with S, I’ve been lead to understand. Beyond that I’m winging it. I’d have just as much luck trying to spell Neitschze without using spellcheck.

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When the creator of Minecraft, Notch, made a text based game in rust called ‘Drowning in Problems’ last spring, there was a joke that ‘Depression Quest’ was already taken as a title.

Drowning in Problems

Um… chick posting here. No - many of us don’t really “dig it”, and if you’re trying to funny - it really isn’t.

Go back and check my posts on this topic. You’ll see that they all call Zoe Quinn by her full or last name. I did the same with Leigh Alexander (who is a professional journalist).

(C’mon, you’re on a computer - even if you can’t spell, you can copy+paste.)

P.S. That last name you couldn’t think of is “Sarkeesian”. Unlike Neitschze, it’s spelled exactly like it sounds. I didn’t even look it up. She has been discussed enough times (and in such painful detail) on this site that you should know her full name by now.


I guess that’s a fair ask. I hadn’t really thought about it and I guess I normally do refer to people by their last name if they’re public figures.

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Too bad no one likes AMD…

I must be a horrible person, since I have no clue what her last name is, nor how to spell it. You have to admit it is a very uncommon name. If she was Anita Smith, this might be different… And, if your German, Neitschze is spelled just like it sounds, familiarity being the key.

That said, my girlfriend now only refers to woman authors by their last names, just like Steinbeck, Hemingway, and Shakespeare. I support this, but don’t do it since it hurts clarity, and makes me waste my time explaining motivations over getting my point across. Though, I do find the double standard very amusing.

I’m not the person you were replying too, of course.

Or just incredibly, incredibly lazy? It’s not like, as @catgrin mentions, Sarkeesian’s name is hard to look up here (or anywhere else on the internet).

I know you said earlier that you had no idea about any of this #GG BS, but opining on the difficulty of remembering the names of the protagonists of the saga, or whether to use their first or last name, doesn’t really paint you in a positive light. >.<


when i hear the name quinn floating free i think of either “anthony” or “martin” but that just shows that i imbibed too much pop culture when i was a child and have carried it over into my 50s. that’s why i’ve used or, tried to use, first and last name every time i’ve referenced zoe quinn in these threads.

I’m confident that you’re not entirely serious, but would you use that excuse for calling male public figures by their first names? Would you call male public figures by their first names? Is the President “Barack” to you, or perhaps you call him “Barry” because you’re not confident of whether or not there’s a C in there?

As a sufferer of partial nominative amnesia myself (“How come I can remember the phrase ‘partial nominative amnesia’ but I can never remember people’s names?”) I sympathise, but you know what? When I can’t remember people’s names on the interwebs, I go and look them up (or I use a lifetime’s worth of IRL tricks to hide the fact of my amnesia).


As far as I know, I’ve done that as well. If I lapsed, I hope nobody reported me to Xeni.

I apologize for any offense that was taken.*

However, you must understand there’s not much hope for me..




 * Seriously. Think before you respond to this one. Ask yourself: “Is there room in the movement** for humor? Perhaps we should form a sub-sub-sub-committee to study this.”





  ** movement. heh.

What about Serena, Venus and Tiger? (or is that just because they got to Pele-esque levels of fame and achievement, where just one name would suffice?)

It’s Edson Arantes do Nascimento, you misandrist!

I so totally failed to be over-the-top-enough in my initial response. I agree that respect is required. But I disagree that lack of use of full-names is always disrepectful; I think that sort of attitude puts us into Stuffy Men’s Club territory. For a whole bunch of reasons that include 1) we should not be stuffy and 2) It’s not a Men’s club.

And while I think the post was well intentioned and phrased well, I also feel like some of this is paragraph six.

Zoe Quinn has not moved to single-name status, unless it’s in the context of a discussion where everybody knows we’re not talking about somebody asking Siri to get them tomato soup.


I’m not an expert on the Linux kernel, but my impression is that the interface for CPUs in the x86 and x86_64 families is pretty standardized, and kernels are usually precompiled for generalized x86 or x86_64; there’s not much performance to gain from compiling the kernel for a specific make and model of CPU, so it’s not usually done, so I don’t think there’s a lot of bug-fixing to do on code for a specific CPU.

I think what Matthew Garrett (mjg59), who I was quoting, was talking about, was drivers for Intel embedded graphics cards and other embedded hardware. Manufacturers are often stingy about providing interface information to Linux developers, and video drivers, especially, are notoriously a sore point for Linux, especially for Intel embedded graphics cards like you find in many laptops and some low-end desktops.

Thanks, I have had massive head trauma and am an epileptic - there’s really no excuse for the double standard being applied.

“Putting aside the fact that I am a highly functioning lizard with the ability to parse scads of message boards and opinion pieces to synthesize a misguided justification for my own relentless need for society to validate my shitty little hobby, GamerGate still stands as a sad reminder that there are far more sociopaths in this world than have been reported by science.”

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