Interesting shirt from this weekend's Trump rally

Oh, okay, gotcha! Thank goodness we didn’t end up with Henry Wallace as POTUS.

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And then there’s my hero, Eugene Debs…


6% of the popular vote from prison.


You mean George, not Henry, right?

Henry was an agricultural economist, former Vice President, strong progressive, and one of the architects of the New Deal.

So when she was a junior in college doesn’t count as being “in college”?

Why is this nitpick so important to you?


No, although we’re very lucky not to’ve gotten George. And I’m well aware of the Henry Wallace’s accomplishments, but he wasn’t suited to be POTUS. He didn’t exactly help bring about unity in the Democratic Party any more than the Dixiecrats did.

For being against World War One. Nothing wrong with that, at least by today’s standards.


may as well stay home and feel outraged. But as you do, remember that one party is working very hard to make you stay home. Who knows, maybe they will drain the swamp.

I’d add to that, I think the same people who own both parties are quite happy for us to stay home.

Personally the early suggestions in the discussion to either “tea party” the Democratic Party or start a third party, or maybe even both, sound like the best options to me. I also think massive campaign finance reform, perhaps even an amendment to get rid of money in politics would make a huge difference. But I do believe that the Democratic Party as it currently stands represents extreme wealth and not me or the vast majority of Americans. And it hasn’t for a generation.

Who knows, maybe they will drain the swamp.

Heh, if the current administration drains the swamp, it’ll only be to make it deeper so that a larger volume of thicker, more putrid sludge can be poured in.
Bitter (Humor?) Warning: Hmmm, money laden nepotistic government corruption mixed with the lead-filled bodies of the 99.x% of its citizens. Yum!


The Democratic Party has prostituted itself to big business so badly that there’s little to recommend it over the alternative of slashing your wrists.


What I don’t get is why the hell do you care?

So you think there are only 2 genders? Why do you care if someone else thinks that’s not true.

It’s like why do supposedly straight people etc… care so much about gay sex. I get the whole “it’s an abomination to god!” thing, but maybe a supposedly omnipotent and omniscient being can deal with the issue without your assistance.

Oh no! Someone in the bathroom using a stall has a vagina, but identifies as male! I’m trying hard to figure out how that affects me, but I can’t. We both have to deal with the construction paper they’re trying to pass off as TP at my work.

Why are these people so obsessed with things that don’t directly involve them. It’s obviously not an empathy thing “Oh man, I wish I could understand the issue better so that I can create a better world for everyone”. It’s like they’re personally offended that someone else being different or not thinking the same somehow means that their worldview may be incorrect…

Oh wait. Answered my own question. Never mind.


Eleven years ago when my daughter was born we couldn’t really think of a good name for her. We wanted a few days to get to know her. To let us go from the hospital they had to put something on the discharge papers. That something was to be “Baby Girl Hayner” Now, if I would have said to the nurse - “How dare you presume gender!” what do you suppose the reaction, from a trained medical professional, would have been? Could we have changed the paperwork to say “Baby Boy Hayner”? I already had a son, and it was clear there was an anatomical difference between my children.

Just trying to give you an idea of where the notion for a shirt like this comes from, to inject a little empathy for this person’s point of view into this comment section. Why does he (or anyone on any side of this discussion) care what someone’s gender is? Who knows? But the VAST MAJORITY of people on this planet see themselves (and see others) as one of two, not one of n genders, and all the outreach and outrage you can muster is not going to change that as far as I can tell. My2cents

Dude parading himself around as a billboard for the message THERE IS NO OTHER CHOICE is not somebody who is valuing or practicing empathy.


You know, I wonder how much of this impression of her is Kirk Drift (also on BoingBoing). It’s something her opponents have been claiming for so long, we slowly accept it as fact.


Yes, technically you could have.

Also, intersex people do exist, even if you’ve never met any or never realized you’ve met any. Sometimes the sex isn’t clear at birth. In the bad old days, the doctors would surgically remove the ambiguous genitalia and automatically assign the baby as female, but thankfully we know now that that is not nearly correct.

Also see:

Assigned biological sex and gender identity are not nearly the same thing.

Yes. Bigots have feelings too. Mainly fear of the other.

Yes, most people identify as either male or female. Most people are biologically one gender, and most people are not gender fluid. But what happens if you are intersex or gender fluid? Would you want that to not be recognized? Would you want strangers telling you what gender you are?

If you say “well, I don’t really care what my gender is, I never give it any thought”, that’s because you’re comfortable with your gender enough to say that. But what if you weren’t?

Your whole argument has the vibe of “why is there a Black History Month but not a White History Month? Why isn’t the Men’s Rights movement treated the same way feminism is? Why are there no Get Well cards for healthy people?” If you were a college freshman from some cul-de-sac somewhere, I could patiently explain to you why that line of reasoning holds no water, but come on, you’re a grown-ass man, you should know way better than this.


Some food for thought and hopefully some assistance when dealing with this kind of hate.
Here is what they use to support their belief and here is a most excellent response.


Those links are very useful. +1 for finding and sharing them!


Nobody is accusing him of being a terrible person for being clueless about endocrinology trivia; or for personally identifying one way or another; but for getting all worked up about what other people might be doing.

When you cross the line into normative demands(especially if you advocate their forcible imposition) the standards go up enormously. He appears to have enthusiastically crossed that line without anything resembling suitable justification.

(edit: It’s strongly analogous to the position of people who are ostensibly against gay marriage because it’s just so alien to their own preferences. Sure, that would be a good reason if the plan involved them being taken out and gay-married; but “Wow, that sure isn’t what I would do” is of limited relevance when talking about what other people are doing or wish to do.)


Are you saying you don’t trust this man?

The New Atlantis


Oddly, I have seen some staff at John Hopkins denounce his kookery but I have not seen the University do so.

So, he gets empathy for not being empathetic?