Internal files reveal how US law enforcement classes anti-fascists as fascists, and actual fascists as "anti-anti-fascists"


“joint state/federal intelligence body”

woah woah, this thing is not a state or federal intelligence organization.


Why is there a partially-hidden Nazi flag in the Anti-Antifa “logo”? That’s not a real logo I assume, but one the report made up for them…If it’s real it’s kind of a dead giveaway right? If it’s not real, why are the report writers admitting Anti-Antifa are Nazis but yet, trying to hide it (sort of) ?


Some of those that work forces…

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Well pointed-out!

Since when does a real federal/state governmental organization have charity status?


Not so much. It would appear to be a federally funded interagency info sharing service, basically an office that ties different databases across jurisdictions. Specifically it would appear to be the office covering the Deep South.

Though judging from the .net web addresses and sales pitch web copy it seems like they’re some kind of subcontractor.

This is not a law enforcement agency. It’s not an intelligence agency. It’s actually a little hard to establish exactly what they are. The RISS program is described on a few .gov websites, and their brochures appear on others. But they don’t appear to be a government agency of any kind.


From RISS Overview - Regional Information Sharing Systems


You can’t fool me. It’s fascists all the way down.

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For references, two antifascist here. Actually ther were member od the Italian Socialist Party in WWII and got jailed for this. Next they become Italian Presidents.

Ugo La Malfa was a Iralian Republican Party (we have a Republican here in Italy) , never got President, but got a postage stamp.


What makes it even more confusing is that fascists like to disguise themselves and adopt styles popular on the left. I came across this sticker that imitates the Antifa logo, but the slogan is pure nazi:

(Editing to state that after taking the picture, I ripped off the sticker and threw it into the next bin)


Never call fascists fascists.
Normalize fascism
Condemn people fighting fascism and call them the real fascists

Yep. Sounds like typical American Pork playing my favorite tune, the one that starts with ACAB


It says it on page 3.

“Opposing the Antifa are the Anti-antifa…”


deleting my comment because you are right in that sense, and I don’t have time to rewrite it to make my point coherently. :smiley: But I still think the headline is clickbaity and exaggerates what they are saying in the report (not that the report is good tho)

the use of “anti-antifa” comes from fascist groups actually using that label. “Internal files reveal how fascists class themselves as “anti-antifa” and US law enforcement writes biased reports about that.” isn’t such a snappy headline tho i admit


I thought this might have been a sneaky edit by Cory to elaborate his point. But no, the document has the fucking Nazi flag peeking coquettishly out from behind the other one.

What is going on… actually I know what’s going on; it’s been well-stated in this thread: white supremacists everywhere.


of course it’s real, “anti-antifa” is an actual slogan/movement by actual fascists and they do appropriate antifa aesthetics in various ways. The actual report doesn’t really frame the ‘anti-antifa’ as the good guys or non-fascist to the extent that Cory’s headline implies, it just focuses on antifa as a ‘dangerous’ group and ‘anti-antifa’ as a reaction to them, ignoring the ‘fa’ that existed in the first place to give rise to ‘antifa’

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As in saying “there are bad people on both sides”. That was Cory’s point as I read it. Not the neglect of marking the anti-antifa as the bad guys, but the trick of presenting them as two sides of the same rotten pancake…


yeah, agreed, they seem very happy to go along with the fascists own propaganda on this one

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Fair enough.

I would say that it’s part of a sub-editor’s job to make headlines snappy in order to attract people to read articles. If the individual sub frames it in a particular way because of a social slant of their media outlet, that’s part and parcel of the newspaper business.

We all know there are many biased media outlets in the world, and also that there’s a difference and a distinction between bias and making things up.

The problem really is when readers just read a headline and take that as the whole of the story, and base their reaction on that – a reaction which could be pro- or anti- (or anti-anti…?)

I’m not pointing the finger at you or anyone. I didn’t bother to read the report until I read your comment, after which I wanted to respond from a position of knowledge.

I’ve got to admit I don’t understand how the agency behind this report fits into the framework of law and justice enforcement in the USA. I mean, it’s not from the FBI. Maybe it’s actually just some bunch of guys.


Strasserists and national-“anarchists”. What is there not to hate in this combination?

Be careful, some fascists put razor blades behind their stickers so that anyone who tries to remove them gets hurt.


Maybe they think we should just let the fascists march and wait until they start busting heads and smashing Jewish storefronts before we do anything, and even then only march peacefully in opposition. But even that makes the wing nuts upset.