Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/27/interviews-with-some-of-nascar.html
And they wonder why NASCAR has an image problem.
My dad always insisted we sit in the alcohol free section at the stock car races. (We weren’t affluent enough for onna dem fancy Nascar events)
Now I see why, LOL.
Salt of the earth.
That guy at 0:23 resembles young Paul McCartney.
I need to connect with this guy… I wonder if he’d want to hit the big state fairs with me this summer? Given the current state of political affairs, i’m imagining a tinder box of tension this year.
I do so love judging a large group of people based on a small composite who are most likely the worst of the worst.
Where are the MAGA hats??
This is why my co-worker calls alcohol “smart juice”.
The moral of the story: Register and vote.
I look at the women that are hanging with these guys acting so sophomoric and vulgar, and think… why…???
It’s like the world’s largest low watt brain power convention.
Regular slice of americana, right there.
Straight pride is real and this is their parade. Don’t be bigots.
Not to worry, their "protected status’ is well intact.
I think I’m starting to come around to the whole “moon landing hoax” thing. . .
I look at this and wonder: How did the USA ever manage to put a man on the moon?
Well, huh.
I’m not completely convinced the buttpussy guy is completely straight. Of course, none of us really are, are we?
With a bonus appearance of Fat John Oliver at 0:12.