Introducing BBS, our new forums

you mean “3D Printed Unicorn Cake” was taken?

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Prediction: There are going to be tons of distracting posts from people wondering why certain posts get the “Notable Replies” status on the main page while the rest are hidden away at the BBS page here.

I can hear it now… “how is so-and-so’s lame comment notable?”… etc, etc. Preemptive Ugh…

Comments become notable by people liking them. There is more to the analysis than that, there is weight attached to likes from folks who use the system more. This link describes the trust system:

Where would I find this mysterious “Wordpress” you speak of?

Is Antinous still here?


At first I thought getting rid of disqus was a step in the right direction. No more glitchy mobile logins and/or postings. But this is worse. Only the “best of comments” are shown directly is a terrible idea as are the additional hassles (more clicking, different website, new login etc.). Perhaps you should have a good look at the comment system of ars technica: All comments are shown under the article but staff/author selected articles are shown at the top.



So the more that people who comment a lot like something, the more likely it will end up on the article proper? Isn’t that just going to foster a smallish clique of ‘Trusted’ commentators who circle-jerk like each others posts and dominate the BTL comments?

To be honest, I think you might as well just ditch the BTL section on the main site totally. Anyone who isn’t interested won’t read any of the comments and anyone who is will just jump straight here.


What are this???


Just testing here… Why is your screen-name different now? Did you change it, or is this a “feature”?

Really wanted to like the new system, and it’s brave of you to just ditch comments but, this is a disaster, performance and layout wise… It feels like using facebook dipped in treacle.

I have never seen a forum them makes my computer seize up every 60 seconds before,



Boing Boing runs on WordPress

Right now the promotional algorithm doesn’t seem too picky. It’s tunable, though!

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What computer and web browser are you using?

Oooh, look at mister fancy image poster, wish I could do that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I was testing stuff by logging in as a non-admin, that might explain it.

Notability Nazis in the comments!!! OMG RUN!

Why do you think this is so?

Okay, let me rephrase: where would I find a link to my previous comments?

Oh and I just noticed that the front page no longer has any indication (those little number next to the speech bubble) if there are new comments for an article. You have to click on the article, click on bbs and then scroll to the end of the discussion to check for new posts. Meh …


No threading, no conversation, just disjointed, out of sequence one liners.

If we’re going for BBS retro, look at livejournal’s comment system, that works brilliantly. It’s easy to see who’s replying to who, people can actually have discussions.