Originally published at: Video: The Solar System's Most Volcanic World - Boing Boing
Soon the Europa Clipper will be on its way, assuming that it doesn’t get destroyed in the storm…
“Where the lava never stops flowing!” sounds like a party destination for Balrogs.
It’s always smart to be a little skeptical of color astronomical images, as most of them are enhanced to show structural differences, or just for fun. However, Io’s colors really would be pretty impressive to the naked eye.
So, at least one moon is made of cheese!
Oooh that cave is Þríhnúkagígur - I was there last week.
It’s unbelievably awesome - a technicolour void with the most amazing acoustics big enough to lose a cathedral:
Yes, only that Wensleydale will burn the roof of your mouth really, really badly.
Why are two of the moons in that image labeled “Umbriel”…
Also while the 4 moons on the top are Jupiter’s, the “5” moons on the bottom are apparently Uranus’s for some reason
Years ago, a late-night show host described Io as looking like a diseased orange.
I guess appropriate for the one named after a woman who was turned into a cow?
For those of us in the US, that BBC series is airing on Nova on PBS. They’re starting to show up online for streaming, two episodes so far (the “Solar System: ____ Worlds” Homepage" links below the preview clips). This one, the volcanic worlds one, will be out for streaming on Oct 16th. (The date doesn’t show up unless you’re logged in – when logged out it only shows the original air date.)
finaly someone is posting it. original bbc program;
its not just the “narrator”, its brian cox, dummy (really, sometimes popkin…Im just wtf)
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