Irving police violated Ahmed Mohamed's civil rights

I’ve always loved the chapter in the Allan Sherman book “The Rape of the A.P.E.” entitled Short Chapter, Long Footnote. The Chapter is just the single word “Fuck*” and then has a wonderfully long footnote around nine pages where he examines the word fuck.


Yes, it’s weird. It’s totally weird. I respect the law, when it’s respectful of me of course, which it usually is. But I find it completely preposterous how this state is constructed. For example, registering to vote is fraught with paperwork. There is this little back-and-forth through the mail with paper forms even though you initially registered online… All of it seems designed to fuck with people and make their lives hard.

There is a HUGE Planned Parenthood building south of downtown Houston. I am completely surprised that it hasn’t been sploded. Don’t want it to be! But surprised that it still stands. With actual people working actual jobs inside it every day.


What can be done to get them fired? Perhaps kickstart a fund for the necessary legal fees for the family? Some viral hasthag thingie? #firetheshitstain or something?

Joking aside, there is surely something that can be done. Something definitely needs to be done.

MacArthur High principal Daniel Cummings’s attempt to get Mohamed to sign a confession

Did I read that right? WTF is the principal doing trying to get this kid to sign any type of confession. This showboating ass needs to be fired immediately!



Now, you know there are some hardboiled, worldly-wise, streetbeaten old veterans in that department (maybe just two months short of retirement) who say they’re gettin’ too old for this shit, and you wouldn’t believe the hell they’ve been witness to in their long career of service, protectin’ and servin’ in a world full of convalescents and Methodists.


Shure yoo betcha.

Almost everything I remember about Austin: It had a nice park system.

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