Is it too early to start a Halloween costume thread?

Here’s my son’s 2013 costume: Battling Boy from the Paul Pope comic book.


That is excellent. I wish our kids were old enough to do sophisticated costumes like this.

My favorite though is a lesbian couple in our mom’s group that dressed their toddler daughter as Evel Knievel.

My kiddo is going as Marceline… I was going to dress up, but am not sure what I’ll be. I was thinking something from the Take Back Halloween website… Baba Yaga, maybe? Another random idea was Death, although I don’t have black hair and am loath to dye it. Way back when in the 90s (way before it was cool) I used to have a half-shaved head, and was Delirium.

Any suggestions for quick and easy costumes?

I might go as the Misfit.

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