Originally published at: Ishana Night Shyamalan, daughter of famed M., to direct movie | Boing Boing
Well, at least we can say that her opportunity isn’t based on her father’s talent.
All you need is a famous name to signify your vast talent.
Is this the twist that Shyamalan thinks we’ll find shocking? He loves those.
The twist is that it was actually M. Night Shyamalan all along.
Personally, I’m far less likely to watch anything made by this person because of who her father is; I don’t fuck with Shyamalan films anymore.
Maybe she will make good films. David Cronenberg’s son Brandon Cronenberg is actually making films better than his father’s these days.
same with Ivan Reitmans son.
Nobody saw this coming.
The thing is that a lot of “Nepo babies” do good work in the field that they enter (someone mentioned Ivan Reitman’s son Jason earlier, leaving out his daughter Catherine who is creator and star of the excellent show Working Moms).
Of course I think that almost anyone could do well in just about any career if they never have to worry about money, can pursue something they truly love and are passionate about, are able to get a great education in the field they want to pursue without having to worry about how they will eat and keep a roof over their heads if things don’t work out and (in the case of people making movies and tv shows) have the support of the hundreds of people that are involved in these collaborative efforts.
Which is why I want us to have universal basic income, healthcare, free education that includes options for everything from trade schools, STEM, and the liberal arts for all, and government support for the arts and small businesses
I want a world where everyone gets to be a Nepo Baby of the state! We can get that if we just taxed the Nepo Babies we have today - heck, I can think of one that clearly has money to burn and taxing him could kick off funding the whole thing
ETA: Oops! I just realized that I left Business off of my education list. Oh well
No doubt. The problem is that the name that gets them in the door ahead of everyone else is no guarantee of that.
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