'It affects virtually nobody,' Trump lies on coronavirus

Hey, what’s a few percent of the population between friends?


About rich people that get COVID-19, maybe he should call Mr. Berlusconi, that is a former prime minister and a former real estate entrepreneur and was convicted for tax fraud.


where is gaseous gangrene of the asshole when you really need it (to afflict someone)?

I hope he drowns in pig shit. 200,000 dead is virtually nobody to him?

This is true sadistic psychopath in a person. This man’s delusion is literally killing us all


Not sure if that would be a good idea.

As long as it’s on his grave.

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And this guy.


I’m still waiting for the auto-AI subtitling to kick in on that video. Something to hope for, anyway, alongside Trumpty-Dumpsterfire’s demise.

I think there’s a typo there. Maybe you meant ‘rantings’? :wink:


my wife’s first husband developed a rectal abscess shortly after they divorced. it was a useful metaphor for the kind of man he was.

the one positive thing i will say about mrs. navarro’s ex is that trump drove him out of the republican party. he got really scathing on facebook with his relatives who stayed in the g.o.p.


That’d be preferable. Too many of his supporters believe conspiracies, so I’d hate to see them blame their usual targets instead of his bad health. Live coverage should also prevent his staff from keeping it hidden. I wouldn’t be surprised if Twitter, Faux News, and Fruit Bowls were full daily attempts to enrage him, based on what his administration has done.


They could see it, have the autopsy done by a medical examiner of their own choice, review the results themselves, and they’d still not believe it. The dark forces that oppose them are so good, they can leave no trace. They got to the medical examiner somehow, and the report is all lies.

The only proof they will accept is an explanation that fits their overall conspiracy theory, because anything else means they might be wrong about their overall conspiracy theory.


Will agree with all but the “dancing in my skivvies” part. Ain’t nobody got time for that!! My neighbors would surely call the cops of the deranged fat man.


The fact that Trump can be so clearly unfit for office, so obviously dishonest and unintelligent and incompetent and power hungry, and yet a huge portion of the populace simply doesn’t see it that way, is proof of how f#$ked-up the USA is.


I’m not sure I’d really want to swim in the lake of piss that’s likely to be there. Besides, the line will be over a mile long.


This time there would be people dancing on rooftops

Where are the “projection” activists…they should project every one of these names on the white house every night.


Might be a better use for that wall they installed around the White House. :thinking:


It’s official, Trump is living in a Family Circus cartoon.

Trumps Covid Circus


I think Nobody’s the name of a person. Like, a really smart person.

Nobody knew health care was so complicated. Nobody knew that. Next thing you know, the coronavirus affected Nobody.

Ya see?


If I didn’t already know that Trump’s mouth sounds aren’t actually intended to have any meaning, at least none correlated with reality, I’d say “Ah, creative use of the present tense. ‘Affects’ no ‘affected’ could be construed to exclude those already dead or recovered.” He’d still be wrong, though, active cases right now nationwide seem to be about one in every thousand people.

Although I like @Sludge’s solution better. Plus, it casts him as the Cyclops, which appropriately describes how brutish and short sighted he is. Sadly we seem to lack an Odysseus to take advantage of it.