Originally published at: It's official: July 2023 was Earth's hottest month on record | Boing Boing
Now there’s a record that will stand for … a few weeks.
“Just more elitist big-city lib-rul demmycrat ‘science’ charts and lies!! Summer is s’posed to be hot!” That is, political denialism no longer has any limits;especially when there’s still a buck to be made -sigh-
Meanwhile, the GOP wants to make it hotter:
But there’s still snow on top of Mt Everest. I call bullshit on this global warming thing!!
(/s obviously).
Actually heard a guy in Florida on the radio this morning dismiss the recent record 100 degree ocean temperature reading since it was measured on the surface and you only have to “go down a few feet where the temperature is normal”. See? No big deal!!
I wish it were an average of 62.5 in July where I live in Houston, TX… ugh
Maybe the GOP likes warm weather? Is there a connection there?!
Even if August and September are also freakishly hot this year, July usually has the highest average air temperature — it’s competition is with next July
That’s the whole world averaged together, including the Himalayas and the Southern Hemisphere where it’s winter now
…I figured that; just wish it were 62.5 here non the less!
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