Japan TV broadcaster acquires Studio Ghibli

Originally published at: Japan TV broadcaster acquires Studio Ghibli | Boing Boing


It’s a bummer as i’d like to see Ghibli remain independent but without strong leadership then the next best thing is to sell it. Hopefully Nippon will treat Miyazaki’s legacy with care, but we’ll see.


Poor Goro. He really seems trapped by his father’s legacy, which would be bad enough, but his father is extremely grumpy, critical and far from supportive (grudging acceptance seems like his highest level of approval). It’s unclear if Goro wants to be involved in film, or whether it’s just pressure to follow in his father’s footsteps, keep his father’s legacy alive, etc., but he gets so much crap for it (from both his father and fans of his father), that it must be really unpleasant.


Like Shinji and his dad in Evangelion (not a Ghibli anime).


It was heartbreaking to watch how the father treated the son in that doco.

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Well, better than Disney…


This doesn’t sound like anything that will change much for Ghibli from an operational standpoint. Might just be more consistent funding and it gives Nippon TV first air rights for all new content. I’m curious if this would in any way impact their relationship Toho, who tends to distribute all of the films. Can’t imagine it would.


HAYAO: You disappoint me, son

GORO: Dad, I’m 56 years old

GORO: I don’t care about your opinions

GORO: I’m just waiting for you to die


from what i have read online and their relation ship not sure i would want to take over ether, no one is ever going to live up to his dad.

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As much as I love their stuff the doc seemed like the very definitions of “toxic environment” and “poisoned chalice”. Hope the studio keeps making marvels and start getting shown on Channel 4 here in the UK again.

(Keeping the scene in “Ponyo” where the our heroine passes out after having noodles and our hero cries, “Mum! Ponyo’s dead!” And the mum waking up on the couch with a hangover.)

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