Japanese group wears hilarious "mundane" Halloween costumes over flashy ones

Mistranslation I’m pretty sure. I read it as something like - grabbed whatever clothes were handy in their bedroom, mismatched socks, got their cardigan buttons misaligned in the rush to take out the trash before the truck passes their building.


“Hilariously mundane” could be the most apt description of Jim Jarmusch movies.


I feel like it should be the name of Jim Gafigan’s next stand up tour.

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I’m going as “Dad who has to carry his daughter’s backpack and coat on the way to school every morning, rain or shine.”



I’ll likely be “Introverted guy who is wondering if there’s a dog/cat at the party”


Same here. I was expecting something like someone in a pro-quality Iron Man costume wearing a sheet with two eye hole cut out. The glowing eyes and just enough armor showing to let you know there’s something awesome underneath.

or, how about the incredible hulk wearing one of those 70’s kids hulk costumes (although the thought of him going as some other character would be cool, too. Casper the Friendly Ghost sounds fun).

or, how about a spot on Dumbledore wearing an off-the-shelf sexy school teacher outfit.

or, stormtrooper dressed as lady late taking out the trash.
There’s all kinds of stuff to do with costume mashups.


I know that feeling well. If animal shelters served alcohol, I’d go out more.


This year, I’m going as a pedant.


Last night my apt building had a party on the rooftop space. I brought my own dog and found a good corner of solitude to drink a beer and play games on my phone. Of course my dog is way more social than I am and soon she had struck up a conversation with this girl and I was obliged to be social.


Is it still a costume when you live it every day? Myriad is an adjective, dammit!

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Pretty sure the noun use preceded the adjective use. Etymology searches say it meant a myriad was a 10,000 in the same way a dozen is a group of 12. Now I’m wondering why we say “a dozen eggs” and not “a dozen of eggs”. God English is weird.


Literally. No, wait, figuratively. No, wait again, it’s both now. Or neither. I am always impressed when an immigrant, who already speaks at least one other language fluently, has a better grasp on English than I do. I’ve spent my entire life speaking it, and I still screw it up.

Only upshot is the number if kids drops dramatically when it rains, and people pretty much just dump the whole candy bowl into the bags of the kids who do persist in the face of the shitty weather.

Could be worse, I suppose. It appears to be snowing in Milwaukee and Chicago right now.

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Batman says yes.

Related: You mean dress up as Clark Kent?


Me too.

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