Jason's Guide to Movies for the Various Events in Life

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Awesome movie. I approve of your choices.

While making my way through the submarine at the Intrepid museum in NYC I took the opportunity to yell (softly) ā€œalarrrmmm!ā€ and then did that running swing through the hatch you see in the clip. Extremely satisfying.


Showing off new widescreen TV: Big Trouble in Little China (trailer)

Breaking in new sound system: Big Trouble in Little China (the Three Storms)

Correct party wins election: Big Trouble in Little China (call the president)

Lost a chess match: The Thing

Drinking liquor with friends: Big Trouble in Little China


Iā€™ve seen Das Boot twice. There is no way I could watch it again, way too much tension and anxiety. Properly functioning submarines already scare me you add depth charges in to the mix and Iā€™m right out.


May the wings of liberty never lose a feather.


I donā€™t know what prompted this, and I have never seen Das Boot, but I think this is pretty funny.


The USS Pampanito has a dramatic audio tour, with headphones. Thereā€™s a bit where you, the visitor, are being ā€œdepth-charged.ā€ The boat/museum is still free floating, and it was just at that moment when we got hit by the wake of some large passing ship. I thought Das Boot was scary and upsetting, but that wake synced with those sound effects almost made me shit myself.* I donā€™t know how any sailor survived that with his sanity even remotely intact.

* Good thing I didnā€™t, as the subs from that era areā€¦ not roomy.


(with apologies for crappy video, but most versions on YouTube are blocked in U.S.)

High school attendance in the American midwest: Blade Runner Royā€™s last scene

Moving to another dwelling, town, country or planet: Dune folding space

PhD thesis defense: Dune gom jabbar test

Megadrought: Dune (directorā€™s cut/longest cut of the film you can find still directed by David Lynch)

No rain in a month: Dune (TV miniseries)

Oneā€™s child taking the test for a driverā€™s license: Dune

Interview for new job, final phase conducted by tightly-wound HR: Blade Runner and also here Voight-Kampff tests

Rollout of new web site, just out of beta: Apocalypse Now "If I say itā€™s safe, thenā€¦ " surf scene


ā€˜Das Bootā€™ gute Wahl! Great movie and cast.

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JLWā€™s list is deep.

Housecleaning your social media friend lists: They Live


Desire to watch a film: Nope, Iā€™ve watched all the good ones to death.

Desire to be mildly entertained: Impossible, nothing good exists any more.

Boil the kettle: No tea bags.

Look outside: Cloudy and dark.

Go to bed: Insomnia.

Hmm, havenā€™t seen that in a while, guess this process works.

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I canā€™t see Days of Thunder anywhere on this list. It is clearly incorrect.

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Before reading the Boing Boing BBS: Face/Off


Das Boot


I was watching The Perfect Storm with some friends during a typhoon. Weā€™d set up a TV in a cabin of the ship and were sitting on the floor. Just as the big wave approaches in the movie, a wave hit us and the TV almost fell on our heads.


Testing your new Dubly Surround Sound System: Days of Thunder (because you only have Apollo 13 on VHS, and Ross had a Days of Thunder Blu-Ray).

Top Gun for my father on this. Strangely, I use the Aquarius/Sunshine song from Hair.


Blade Runner opening for both. Always.

Agree otherwise.


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