Originally published at: Jay Leno hospitalized after suffering burns in garage fire | Boing Boing
When I was 12 I set my hair on fire and got 3rd degree burn to my face. Because they destroy the whole thickness of the epidermis they don’t hurt very much. What did hurt was the every other day treatment of debriding the edges of the injury to prevent scarring. It worked! I thank my burn specialist, Dr. Frye.
Wife had a patient one time who was burned pretty badly when his carburetor blew up in his face. Kinda crazy that stuff like this happens.
I heard only his chin was burned, but even getting burns across 10% of your body like that is a matter for concern.
Jokes aside, glad to hear he’s recovering well.
Witnesses say that a very tall man with orange hair was seen running away, but no one was able to identify him.
Well, there is a new one. Otherwise, I’m glad that he is doing well.
Sick burn.
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