Jeb Bush clarifies which ethnicity sends anchor babies

Yes, but the party is for old rich white men really, and they use the youth that are on their side. Not that the Democrats don’t also use their constituents, but they at least have some morals left.

But it’s all good, because as a member of the Bush family, he’s lived the immigrant experience. Phillips Academy probably had classes about social exclusion, and undoubtedly, part of UT’s undergrad experience requires students to physically attempt a border crossing into the US, and when working as a real estate developer I’m sure he spent a lot of time hanging out on jobsites with the undocumented just to get a feel for what they lived through. OH, and anyone holding the title of Florida Secretary of Commerce has to complete at least 6 months of living in cramped, shared housing with little to no recourse to civil protections against absentee landlords or unlawful eviction.
“Lived the immigrant experience,” my ass.


The youth also want to be rich old white male Masters of Capital. Why else the adherence to Ayn Rand?


That is true, and there is inheritances…

How broadly defined is this anchor baby thing? Does my 80-year-old mother still qualify because grandpa was deported? will she be expected to self-deport to a country she’s never had the privilege to visit, or will be there be a compromise rule where she just spends summers in Taipei?


immigrant children are being exploited for the sake of television news, forced to sit in front of teleprompters hour after hour despite the fact none of them can read, let alone speak. burbling cutely under hot limelight to an aged audience.

end the plight of anchor babies!


That maybe so, but that’s damning with faint praise at best… When I read the article, all I could think was, “Jeb Bush clarifies that he’s an asshat (again).”


See, though that’s DIFFERENT because model minority… /s

Well, Jeb’s actually Hispanic, y’know.


“No, not Asians!
I said Haitians!
No, wait!”


What will incite the most disgusting acts of Nationalism?

Which immigrants are more “American” than others?

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Look out, Dutch; you’re next.


It’s OK since he’s talking about Asians, not Latinos.

Clearly Bush is correct… Asians produce ‘anchor babies’, while Latinos only produce “bebés del anclas” …T-o-tally different thing. IMO, his Mom is right. We don’t need another Bush in the White House. In fact, we can’t afford another fool there. And i thought his brother was a dunce.

It’s gotta be hard being a Republican politician. You want to appeal to the racists but not appear racist. That can’t be easy.

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Sure it is, just ask Lee Atwater from the bowels of hell.

It’s called the Southern Strategy, and the media loves promoting dogwhistles for these sacks of feces.

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Andrew Jackson was an anchor baby.

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I think this is why people admire Trump’s lack of political correctness. Racists find it really refreshing to have someone pander to them without being defensive about it.


Of course it’s Asians, not Mexicans. When you’re a Boat Person you really need anchor babies. /s


            ...hey...wait...the fuck you say?