Jeffrey Epstein is dead of hanging in Manhattan jail, authorities say they failed to prevent suicide

Charles Pierce agrees:

Also, thank you for posting the suicide helpline information.


Also, if the guards were convinced to leave him alone to do this, deliberately, don’t rule out the possibility that the person who convinced them to do it was Epstein himself.


Jails not having the resources or incentives to protect prisoners from inhumanity? Oh come on.

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Convicts may despise child molesters at the same rate as the general populace, but I bet my money that they simply like having someone “worse” then themselves so they can avoid facing their own horrible deeds. “Yeah, I sold meth to teenagers/raped and murdered the 70 year old retired school teacher/kicked a trans person to death, but I didn’t molest/rape children.”


My question though is that if he wasn’t loyal to anyone, why didn’t he spill the beans on his fellow pedos? Or did he?

I’m sadly quite convinced someone will accuse someone else of a “witch-hunt” which drove the inmate to kill. I would also be not surprised at all if many will be convinced only their political enemy will profit from this.

There’s not even a need to feel anything in regard to the person who killed himself. Especially not to feel to be on his “side”.

As I said: fuck this shitshow.


It worked last time - lots of powerful people seemed to cut him a huge break with that no jail time. And now it just wasn’t possible to cover things up the more discrete way.

Plan B.


Not seeing it. The higher ups are going to want this to go away.


Last-Place Aversion.

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Maybe he was hoping he could use his hidden trove of blackmail material on other wealthy paedophiles to cut himself a deal for easier prison time. The trial wasn’t happening until 2020.

It may be that the news of the Maxwell evidence and names made him realise that the gambit wasn’t going to work out and he despaired, but the circumstances of the suicide are still fishy however you look at it.


And they would admit it and not use this for polical gain? Not likely, given their track record.

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Did any prominent or wealthy people get into trouble the first time he faced justice? I’m unaware of any. It seems like he got away with it due to an unusually lenient prosecution, which seems to be typical for affluent criminals.


Yes, but quite a few of them have also fallen victim to someone like Epstein. Unlike the general populace however, if you have a life sentence in New York state, you have essentially nothing to lose and everything to gain by offing someone like Epstein.

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You have no idea how accurate your observation actually is! Dead on!

There’s a lot of money that wants this discussion ended. The more it goes on - the more at risk some big donors are.


The only way we’ll find out anything is if the guards who get fired start acting like the low-level mooks from the Lufthansa heist (and in that case they’re likely to have similar fates doled out by their patrons).


I have read that his death negates the need to have warrants for evidence gathering at any of his residences or his various financial accounts. No one else has standing of privacy concerns.

I hope that’s true. And I hope he kept meticulous records.


I’m mostly in the camp that an inhumane and indifferent system facilitated his suicide through willful incompetence. I’ve no doubt that there are many rich and powerful people who are relieved Epstein won’t go to trial and potentially out their misdeeds, and many of them who would pay someone to make him go away. I just doubt the necessity. He’d already attempted suicide once and had enough money to pay a guard off if that was even necessary, which given the suicide rate in America’s prison system, I seriously doubt it was.

I’m furious that the coward won’t go to trial and got to check out on his own terms, effectively escaping justice and letting who knows how many accomplices off the hook.