Jerk tries to drive through giant snowman not realizing it was built on a tree stump

When a local resident who was found at the auto body shop getting the front end of his vehicle repaired was asked if he might know who ran into the snowman, he responded, “I’m completely stumped.”


Snowies’ stumpah turned that bumper into a crumpled dumper.


Recommendation for next year’s snowman build: Form the head from a snow-coated bowling ball…



Sure wasn’t set up? To easy too fake…

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Reminds me of 2015, when the mayor of Boston had to tell people to stop jumping from second-story windows into snowbanks. The snow was piled up high enough that anything could be hidden under them (the NPR transcript calls out “cars you forgot you had” but I think a bigger concern was fire hydrants that hadn’t been cleared yet.)

Common sense isn’t.


If it’s pedestrians you want to deter from knocking over your snowman: drive a piece of rebar into the ground, then build the snowman through it, spearing each snowball on the rebar.

it jumped in front of my truck officer, honest!


But wouldn’t a snowman that big be dangerous even without a stump inside? Not that I expect physics to be a carefully considered factor when someone’s driving into snowmen on purpose.


Yeah its like in cycling, you should avoid puddles because there is no obvious way to see how deep they are.


Be nice if they could read an imprint of the license plate.


About a month ago a guy in a quite new F 150 drove into our yard and hit a much smaller apple tree; no real damage to the tree, but the F 150’s grill was destroyed and the radiator was leaking. Buddy drove away while I was trying to get his license number, no doubt exacerbating the damage… Anyway, since snowman explosion was probably the aim here I’m sure the outcome will be no better.


Doubt that, but obviously they didn,t ram it. The imprint of the grill means they probably slowly crept up to it just to push it over.I doubt there was any damage to the truck. Probably will wind up being a friend fooling around.

Wow, was he going too fast and lost control or did he actually have it in for that poor little apple tree. I’m glad it cost him whatever the reason was behind it.

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Missed opportunity to say, “You reap what you snow”.



there was fresh freezing rain on the street, but where he’d crossed the sidewalk (which I had just cleaned and de-iced) and on the lawn there were no signs of braking, so I think maybe impaired. Probably why he bolted, but that much damage with no police report would be trouble, too. All in all, bad day for him.


I call hoax.

In the 90’s I used to get occasional tire tracks in my front yard lawn, typical DH high school guy stuff. Thought about how to remedy this for quite some time and finally placed just the right (pyramidal) rock in just the right place. One day my daughter came home from school to find someone from her HS high-centered on that rock, and the police asking him how this happened. LOL


This is history repeating itself. The super-resilient snowman is also a tale from the miners’ strike of 1984:

The Miners of Silverwood, having been told they were confined to six pickets only, built themselves a seventh comrade in the shape of a large snowman,wearing for good measure a plastic policeman’s helmet.

Next morning, Chief Inspector Nesbitt appears on the scene and seeing the jeering miners and their steely eyed companion, ordered the constables to knock it down . This order brought rebellion to the police ranks as PCs declined to, “look so fucking stupid knocking down a snowman”. “Very well,” shouts the irate Nesbitt, jumping in his Range Rover and charging off to demolish the snowman, as pickets ran laughing for cover.

Maybe it was a trick of the light, or maybe a twinkle glistened in the icy countenance on the snowman’s fixed expression - we shall never know, as the Range Rover made contact and came to a dead stop, smashing front grill, bumper and headlamps and hurling the shocked Nesbitt into the steering wheel. PCs found excuses to walk away or suppress body shaking laughter while pickets fell about on the ground with side splitting mirth. The snowman had been constructed around a three foot high two foot thick concrete post!


I think if it was faked, they’d have made a movie. And two guys would have come out of the truck and done that thing where they put their hands up to their head as if to say “Darn the heck! I am consternated!”