Jewish human rights scholar: yes, America has built concentration camps

So far, 24 people have died in the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement

A thought: Is that natural deaths only, or do they count suicides in that number? (Because where you’ve got physical, sexual abuse, and stuff, you’ve got suicides too.)


True, but I think it’s worth noting that not calling it a refugee camp doesn’t relieve them of the obligations under international law.


They don’t care about those obligations, one way or another. This is a right-wing populist and ultra-nationalist nationalist regime that has John Bolton as its National Security Advisor. They’re not going to give the UN the smallest legal opportunity to investigate the camps, and they’re going to make sure that domestic refugee acts can’t be applied, either.

If international law applies, it will only do so in the Hague, and anyone paying attention knows that senior officials of G20 nation-states don’t typically end up in the dock there.


Speaking as a Canadian, I will not be entering a country where children are taken from their families and thrown into concentration camps when crossing the border.

I am a white male Canadian with a business etc. here in Canada, I am not a risk to ‘sneak into’ the US for any reason. But in a regime without laws, all I would have to do is say the wrong thing to the wrong border guard and all the shit goes out the window and you are into a Kafka novel of insanity.

Just because they aren’t going to take me doesn’t mean I am willing to support a regime that will take others who have different skin or heritage.

I’d have liked to take my kids to Disneyland, but that isn’t going to happen with the current regime. I’d love to visit my friends in Hawaii and LA, but that isn’t going to happen either. My kid’s hockey team may end up having to play a game in Seattle, but I think we will opt out. No way do I cross a border with my kid when there is a nonzero chance my kid will be taken away for no reason.


The Long Walk of the Navajos ended at a concentration camp, Bosque Redondo. Lesser known than the Trail of Tears, but significant. At least the Dine got to return to (some of) their lands, though the Army allowed neighboring tribes and slavers to steal their families and livestock.


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I dunno. After seeing Sikhs being attacked in the streets by anti-Muslim ignoramuses the day after 9/11, I wasn’t terribly surprised by what’s been going on lately.


Are any in the ICE centers in the Pacific Northwest ?

Maybe we can contract this out to Hong Kong.

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Yeah, it really doesn’t take much for a concentration camp to turn into a death camp. The inmates have already been dehumanized, so neglect is there at the beginning (and thus unnecessary deaths). As the budget stretches thin over time and with the number of people put into them increasing, the scale of killings by neglect increases.

Now Trump’s talking again about rounding up “millions” of people? Mass deaths. (“But it’s not our fault - congress forced us to put people in unfunded concentration camps - they wouldn’t fund them, after all!”)


After all, you’ve got your own “sixties scoop” programs; why support the competition?


Funny thing… Reparations are being discussed for those.

The US is running its camps as we speak. Good try, though.




Glass houses. The problems in Canada were still ongoing as recently as 2016, and are far from over.

America’s myriad problems are pretty bad, and I applaud 100% Lind-Guzik’s calling out our holding facilities for what they are. However, sometimes the level of indignation in the attacks on our behaviors from people in countries with similar problems feels a little hypocritical.

(That’s kind of the point Lind-Guzik is making: in the US we’re not really entitled to act morally superior even to Nazi Germany when we are quite happy to engage in behaviors which are of the same character, even if not as extreme.)

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I never said we were perfect. But you specifically mentioned the sixties scoop, and yes, we are still dealing with the fallout. Foster and adoption policies are still problematic.

We’re also not arguing over what to call cages in the desert, or going to court to argue that basic life necessities should not be supplied in those cages.

Neither of our countries is innocent on the First Nations front. Careful you don’t fall off that high horse and have it kick you in the head.


Did you see the post I was responding to? (It wasn’t yours.)
As an American I am hardly in a position to criticize Canada’s policies towards its indigenous population, but part of recognizing your own flaws is not acting so indignantly superior to others.

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Alex Jones would absolutely lose his shit


Weird that Obama didn’t fill those FEMA camps after all, but Jones’ buddy Trump is making camps of his own…
Fucked if I’m going to disInfoWars to check his thoughts on it though.