Jiffy Pop always did suck over a campfire

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/06/28/jiffy-pop-always-did-suck-over.html


It takes mad skills, but it can be done.

Note: I agree with the thread title!


I have only seen it end in a burnt popcorn disaster. I am sure there is some JiffyPop Campfire Whisperer who wanders the former path of Johnny Appleseed, saving peoples campfire popcorn experience – but he has not shown up on my travels.


as easy as it is to just make popcorn the old school way I kinda wan’t to make jiffy pop now.

I remember those ads! I think this may have been my first disillusionment with false advertising. Then came the Sea Monkeys.


Hey @jlw stop ruining my childhood memories dammit!! YOU MONSTER!! :wink:

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We took on many a camping trip when I was a kid. I’d guess we had about a 10% chance it didn’t burn. On the stove though it turned out pretty good. I think the secret was the electric stove.


It doesn’t work out too well on a stove either without the magic ingredient: an adult doing the cooking rather than an impatient kid who wants popcorn now.

Also, the prize in the commercial reminded me of these Presto Magix kits which I loved as a kid:


I jam the wire handle into a length of metal conduit so I don’t have to burn my hand. Pretty sure it’s worked OK for me as long as I always kept it moving and didn’t try to hold it too close to the flame.

Here’s a camp cooking tip: if you see flames, don’t cook. Camp cooking is done over hot coals not open flame. This is true for Jiffy pop and everything else.


i buy Jiffy Pop every year for burning man. always fun to bust these out for late-night snack in camp.

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If you think those are bad over a campfire, try sticking one in a microwave while watching a super nova.


I’d never try it over an open flame, but it might work better with a coffee can camp stove!

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This also being the key to properly browning a marshmallow rather than just burning it.


You put the cast iron over the fire, and the jiffy pop on the cast iron.

You’re welcome,

Me too, but from a great distance.

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