Originally published at: Jimmy Kimmel looks at the bizarre junk for sale at the MyPillow guy's new Amazon rival | Boing Boing
they are things you might find in one of the unsorted bins at the back of a Goodwill.
And I looked down at my sweatshirt, bang, it’s from the unsorted bin at the thrift store. We are in for a real Weird Wednesday…
I bet that’s where he got them from…
Well, I’m whelmed.
MyPillow guy’s new Amazon rival
I read that as, “Amazon set up some sort of sub-site to rival MyPillow”.
bizarre junk for sale
Careful, now. Glass houses, and all. We’ve seen the BB Store ads.
It reminds me of looking through the Fingerhut catalog when I would visit one of my aunts back in the 80’s.
The robot helping with the uplifting music was hilarious
It looks more like the stuff they sell at Harbor Freight
I can’t tell if one, some, or all, or none of these are either photoshopped or real.
If you assure me it’s real, I’ll believe you. If you confess you made it up, I’ll believe you. At this point, both belief and disbelief exist simultaneously in a state of superposition.
You are assuring me it’s real. I believe you.
Awful lot of the same kinds of things over and over-- flags, cloying wildlife art, foot massagers, more flags, pro-Trump books-- I had to see what “Love Joy Trump” was all about. It exists on amazon:
Absolute bottom of the barrel Q-nutter propaganda, with seemingly random words capitalized (“we are at the most Crucial time …”), not so surprisingly the fawning reviews seem to taper off after November 2020.
“HUNDREDS of products coming soon!”
Except that Harbor Freight stuff generally happens to be useful.
I always wonder what algorithm they’re using to determine what gets capitalized or unnecessarily quoted. Do language researchers have a name for this style of writing pathology?
It’s weird because they’re adding more work (additional keystrokes) for themselves to produce a less readable product. What reinforces this behavior?
At least for a little while
Are we sure Flossy didn’t help write that?
I love that whoever programmed the robots thought to include a “Thank You” protocol for when the robot was assisted out of a stuck state.
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