Jimmy Kimmel's message to the anti-vaccine movement

You don’t understand. People like you put herd immunity at risk with your fearmongering. If you spent the time in medical school that an actual doctor does, you would realize, not by indoctrination, but by the overwhelming mountain of evidence that vaccines both work, and that they’re safe, and that they’re better than getting sick.

But for some reason, you think that your personal anecdotes, and a few in-vitro studies somehow is able to discredit the consensus of both the data, and the researchers.

I should think not. If you want to disprove the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, you better come with large double-blineded studies with effect sizes better than noise. The prior probability of medical science being right, and you being wrong is orders of magnitude higher than the opposite. So, just remember, you’re going to have to do a lot of research with test-tubes and clipboards and actual scientists before you can come close to overturning a consensus this strong built up by the scientific method.


Because you kept talking about personal choice earlier in the thread.

If you honestly thought that medical exemption from vaccine was okay, while understanding the huge risks caused by not vaccinating, then you wouldn’t even be here arguing.

Or are you just insulting my intellect now?

Get your words out of my mouth.

A wise man can not be insulted.

Alright, so you understand perfectly well that you’re putting a lot of people who can’t be vaccinated at horrific risk. Nice to know that you’re a terrible person.


LDoBe, my allergen response counts were off the charts when I was tested as a child. The professionals had never seen anything like it. You have no idea who you are talking to. If anything, I am a beacon of hope for those who can not be vaccinated.

You see, if you had simply stated that at the beginning of the thread, then you wouldn’t have ended up looking like such a moron.

I’m quite frankly surprised you didn’t mention something so relevant early on in the thread.

Then you might not have been forced into saying completely untrue things like “infants are born without white blood cells”

You keep talking about how all this natural immunity stuff is so much better, yet you seem to ignore the absolutely savage costs of epidemics and pandemics.

I think you should be thanking people like me who through herd immunity allow people who can’t be vaccinted to survive.

You should keep in mind that when I’m here tearing antivaxxers like you a new a-hole, it’s because I’m trying to protect those who can’t be vaccinated, like you.


Not one of you bothered to ask. Blindly assuming, I don’t have any good reason to avoid vaccination. So, what rigorous required testing is in place to avoid vaccinating people like myself? Where are your double blind studies for that?

You know what they gave me for my allergies? Seldane. What did it cause? Heart failure. I began suffering from bouts of fainting and heart murmurs. Look it up. When you have lived through what I have, then we can talk. Stop listening to the experts and listen to your own experiences and what your body is telling you.

Here is a motto I often remind myself of:
Being self-centered and having a centered self are two completely different and polar-opposite, diametrically opposed modus operandi. The latter being a cure for the former.

So, if we are done here, in the face of harassment from each of you, I leave you with this… May the eternal light of existence shine favorably upon each of you.

That’s not how this works. When you present a hypothesis to a crowd, you present your evidence. You don’t hide it and then spring it later on while whimpering about being “harassed”.

You aren’t a beacon of hope. You aren’t wise. You’re just a pitiful trolley looking to get a rise out of people while claiming to be “oppressed” like the privileged twat you are. We’re done.