Joe Biden announces presidential bid

Because she better represented the people of a deep blue district.

I read a very sad story of an AOC-type kid running for office in a rust-belt district who lost, in large part because the local unions decided that Democrats’ important constituencies just don’t vote, so they threw their support behind the (obviously) anti-union Republican hoping to curry some tiny amount of favor with him.


What is with this inane fear of criticizing other Democrats? It's called a primary. You don't grow stronger by refusing to exercise for fear of the momentary pain. If you nominate some delicate candidate whose flaws haven't been discussed, then prepare for a clobbering from Trump

— Mike Gravel (@MikeGravel) April 21, 2019

(not to promote twitter or anything, but Gravel’s feed is chock full of relevancy to this topic)


And by pounding the pavement like crazy, wearing out her shoes in the process. Sometimes a little old-fashioned campaigning, carried out by someone who couples vast reserves of energy with interesting ideas, really does work.


That’s part and parcel of something to vote for, however. You might get out and vote for the young lady putting in effort to do the job. Whereas someone haranguing you to “do your civic duty” for the guy whose office never picks up the phone is more likely to earn a middle finger.


Primaries are the best time to vote for the person you like, if s/he is in the race. In 2020, if you’re lucky, you’ll get to vote for them again. If not, it is civic duty time.

I’ve voted in 11 presidential elections, and in none of them have I been terribly happy about my candidate. That is kind of inevitable, since my political views are well outside the mainstream. Meantime, in the primaries I’ve had the opportunity to support or even work for the likes of George McGovern, Jesse Jackson, and a young Jerry Brown. You’re true to yourself when you can be true to yourself, and the rest of the time you do what you have to.


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