Joe Biden is the Hillary Clinton of 2020 – and it won't end well this time either

Maybe he is, maybe he isn’t, only time will tell.

But I would never bet against the simple-mindedness of the American public, I can see folks in the middle voting for Biden because they think he’s competent and likeable. Policies? What are those?

And the Secret Service will politely carry him out of the door if he tries that.

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I disagree with the following premises:

  1. Joe Biden is the best candidate to run against Trump in 2020
  2. Hillary’s performance as a candidate in 2016 was historically poor
  3. A straight white male candidate stands an inherently better chance of beating Trump in 2020 than any other candidate

I only take exception to #3 and only for this exact race against this exact candidate at this exact time. Not as a global “women can’t win” because I don’t believe that.

I grant that a straight white male candidate would probably be the most palatable alternative for Trump’s base.

I also think “trying to appeal to Trump’s base” would be a terrible strategy for the Democrats in 2020.


I don’t think Trump’s “base” is the issue. It’s the people in the middle who flipped from Obama to Trump. That still blows my mind. How you could go from “yeah Obama sounds good” to “yeah Trump sounds good” … :exploding_head:

One of the most puzzling elements of the 2016 election, at least for a lot of Americans, was the millions of voters who switched from voting for Barack Obama in 2012 to Donald Trump in 2016. Somewhere between 6.7 million and 9.2 million Americans switched this way; given that the 2016 election was decided by 40,000 votes, it’s fair to say that Obama-Trump switchers were one of the key reasons that Hillary Clinton lost.


There is tremendous evidence that Trump voters were motivated by racial resentment (as well as hostile sexism), and very little evidence that economic stress had anything to do with it.


Obama → Trump voters were massively outnumbered by Obama → Nonvoters.

Forget about trying to recover Trumpists, focus on serving the half of the country that has (justifiably) abandoned both parties.


With nuclear weapons even “Dammit, missed!” counts

But that would mean there might be a billionaire somewhere whose knob wasn’t being slobbered and whose cloaca wasn’t thoroughly tongue-bathed. The Dems and GOPs just can’t allow that.

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So you’re saying the Democrats need to nominate a straight white male to win back voters who have already demonstrated that they are willing to vote for a candidate who is not a straight white male?


There are two things about this that I find deeply concerning. I mean besides the wanton death and destruction that war brings.

  1. The historical surge in popular support a sitting president gets in wartime.
  2. The handy excuse it provides for postponing presidential elections indefinitely.

I’m starting to think he may not even be interested in waging any more election battles… but he still likes being president.



If a ham sandwich wins the Democratic nomination, it has my full support in 2020.

But even I would prefer someone who wasn’t a straight-down-the-middle centrist, and I say this as a centrist. There are too many social ills being left unattended for someone who isn’t reform-minded to deal with.



This. :clap: Is. :clap: What. :clap: Abrams. :clap: Did. :clap:

Did she lose, in a red state? Yes. Did she get closer than any democratic candidate has in a while in GA? Yes. Was she hamstrung by the fact her opponent was the TOP ELECTION OFFICIAL IN THE STATE and was probably doing some shady shit? Yes. Is it a working strategy to reach out to people who’ve lost hope and offer them some concrete policies to help improve their lives? FUCK YES.


I was struggling to find a place to put this. This seems like a good place.

Helps explain some stuff


What’s a TLDR? This is way too long for an internet post lol.

Forgive but what is a TLDR? Can you give the context?

Too Long Didn’t Read I.e. a summary.


The opposition to Sanders is extremely White.


The centre-right petite bourgeois commentariat are frequently both dishonest and obnoxious.