Joe Biden's promise to do better, but with the vertical video fixed

Agreed, but I also feel the same way about a lot of the other people currently in the race. I think Bernie Sanders, for example, belongs nowhere near the Oval Office. I’m having trouble coming up with enough enthusiasm to support anybody in this cattle-call primary. But no matter who wins the primary, I will absolutely give my time and money to help whoever it is win the 2020 general election. We’ve seen what the other alternative is, and even Bernie Sanders or Joe Biden would be better than four more years of ascendant Trumpism.

Biden and Sanders need to step aside and just be voices of leadership in the party rather than draining critical funding from the population that will be oddly so important during the final months of the main race for those stupefying “undecided voters”

And people need to stop apologizing or minimizing what Biden has done for over three DECADES now. You know he has been told and lectured to stop and he never has. He’s not evil and this isn’t “sexual assult” by any stretch but there’s also no excuse by this point.

Thank you for your service Joe Biden, now go take your earned retirement so the country can move on without distraction.

Biden is the only real “centrist” in the field with any traction. He’s also leading the field by 8-12 points depending upon which polls you look at.

Which leads to the question, who would benefit most by his dropping out of the race?

Anita Hill?


Black men in jail?


Remember back during the Doug Jones election, when all of the Dem establishment were waxing lyrical about how Black women were the soul of the Democratic Party?

Good times…


The soul is a thing that people* pretend to care about once a week but mostly act as though it doesn’t exist, right?

* People = Most of the leadership of the Democratic party, here


She doesn’t get any sympathy from me. She is a terrible person that married a worse person for money. She’d trample a baby to get what she wants. I don’t care if she does the traditional first wife duties like an Easter party or not but her trying / not really trying efforts at things likely anti-bullying shows that she really doesn’t care about anyone or anything but herself.


For a very long time I thought she was trolling Trump. Like, too many of the things she did were just too obviously related to Trump’s personality faults and bad policies. How could you possibly start an anti-cyberbullying campaign without having a single aide point out that it could highlight Trump’s attacks on people on twitter?

But I think that less and less. Everything keeps being exactly as dumb as it appears.

I like to remember Hanlon’s razor: Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity. I feel like with this administration you have to remember to never attribute to intention what can be adequately explained by obliviousness.


Why assume a “centrist” is either the best candidate to run the country or the most likely to win at a time when people are unsatisfied with the status quo?

  1. I don’t think she cares for him one bit. He is a shitty person to everyone and she likely sees aspects of his horrible personality in private that would make the strongest of us retch. So I’m sure she trollies that fucker every chance he gets. But that has nothing to do with what he is doing to the world. She’s just has personal reasons to jab him whenever possible.
  2. Flipping the script is the number one conservative play. If you are banging same sex boys then you bang the gong about pedos. Have a dozen mistresses getting abortions left and right then go full tilt on being pro life. Are you and your husband sociopath bullies incapable of empathy, then announce a do nothing program about bullying.

Just another day in GOP land.


Right. I’m not saying I’m sympathetic. I’m saying I believe the meaning was initially misunderstood, but the real meaning wasn’t much better.

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Yes, I understand. Btw, I initially had sympathy for Melania. But that sympathy has eroded into negative values. So sure, maybe the intent behind the coat’s message was reasonable or maybe it was not and a reasonable excuse was invented later. I can’t read minds. But I also can’t summon the energy to give her the benefit of the doubt. This is more about emotional exhaustion after 2 years of hate and aggression from the administration she is apart of than some well reasoned argument. If other’s have that energy and want to give it to her, that’s nothing to do with me.

I didn’t say anything that assumed that. All I asked was who would benefit if Biden dropped out.

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