I’d have settled for better aim.
Is treason a thing in the US?
Nice username for the thread, BTW.
Apparently you have no idea what your hands are typing.
Guy who committed a crime 34 years ago while in his mid 20s wants to get on with his life, is apparently rehabilitated and has found joy in music and love while institutionalised in the US. Suggestion of possible employability and independence raised. Crazy story.
You get internet points for finding the connection. Though to be fair, I picked this handle in the 90s when I was in a sort of Goth stage and it came from a song, which I didn’t realize was about a real person.
It is, but it is strictly limited in its definition by the Constitution. Something about the British accusing pretty much anyone with treason when it suited them. Shooting the President? Not treason, he or she is just always going to be a guy or gal, a citizen. We are not the subjects of a presidential sovereign, so it makes no sense to define it as a de facto treasonous act.
Rehabilitate? What for? I thought we had prisons so we could spend ghastly sums of money on places to store criminals in between crimes.
Devo used a poem by Hinkley as lyrics for the song ‘I Desire’.
‘Oh No,Its Devo’ album.
To be fair, that’s the reason why I know it as well. Oh Electric Hellfire Club. I saw them once open in the Calling Dr Luv era up for Danzig and all the built fratbros (!) who went to see him in West Palm Beach heckled the poor Satanists as they fled to their trailer.
Places to store criminals? I thought they were but another wealth transfer program to all the military-industrials. I guess there’s a tenuous link to crime and lobbies, but it’s not really about crime and public safety, is it?
Never saw them live. I am a HUGE My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult fan, and there was a computer at Hastings (media store) that said I might like EHC. Meh, they were ok. I have their original album and one of their remix albums. But when I got into IRC I needed a dark nickname for #vampire - and bam. There you go.
To jumpstart his singing carrier, he should record a cover of this show tune. That would be all kinds of recursion at once.
Your hat needs more tin foil.
The context of what you are stating is suggestive of conspiracies, they are not independent and disconnected from the context others took them for. Seriously, drop the faux-denseness. At least understand what you are saying as you are saying it. I find all conspiracy, fact and fiction fascinating, but at least own up to knowledge of what you’re presenting here, your wink-and-nudge suggestion that Bush had a direct connection to attempts on Reagan’s life. The coyness doesn’t suit you.
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